The Creative Threshold

002. Lower The Stakes - How I let go of perfectionism making my affirmation deck and you can too!

Leeanne Episode 2

I made an affirmation deck in 3 months and it could have EASILY taken me over a year to finish! I was able to do this because I lowered the stakes. I let go of my perfectionism and said, success will be if I finish this deck...not if it's actually any good. I decided to make a product that was so-so, not perfect. It actually became a game with me - how quickly can I move on to the next card, the next step. I was able to blast through hand writing the affirmation statements, laying out the cards and formatting the box because I surrendered. I'm so glad that I did because I finished my deck AND I really like how it came out!! I didn't have to stay up late, sacrifice family time or drive myself crazy. It was easy, effortless and fun. I want this for you! How can you lower the stakes with your creativity and ironically make work that you end up loving!

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