Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast

Taking A Stand On Your Speaking with special guest Heather Di Santo

September 08, 2021 Carl Richards Season 3 Episode 63

Long before we had Covid (and an increase in virtual events) we had no shortage of live events.  Whether speakers of vendors at trade shows, we were constantly on our feet, ready to meet and great potential clients and prospects. The virtual world has made us more sedentary. We sit more than we stand, even though there is more than enough technology that allows us to stand up at our desks! How does sitting affect your performance? How does it affect your image? Carl's guest today has great insight on this subject.

Heather Di Santo is the owner of DiSH Events, and helps small business owners feel empowered in their life and business by providing personal and professional growth opportunities through her event experiences such as  Points of You.

Her passion is sharing the gift of the Points of You © methods. Her tribe believes that everything: people, objects, situations, music, tastes…every little thing in life has countless points of view. The real challenge is to look at things from a new viewpoint, one that was previously out of sight. Using photographs, themes, words, and questions this event experience is for anyone looking to gain clarity about something in their life, while deeply connecting with the others’ sharing their time with you.

Connect with Heather to find out more. She's active on various Social Media sites:



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