Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast

Imposter Syndrome: The Dangers Of Feeling Like A Fake with special guest Marlene Cameron

October 06, 2021 Carl Richards Season 3 Episode 66

Marlene Cameron, MBA, CFA, CPC is a transformative business and life coach who works with accomplished professional women who can suffer from stress, self-doubt and sometimes feel like impostors.  She helps them embrace their true nature, their innate wisdom and their natural confidence so that they can thrive as business owners and leaders.

In spite of successful careers as a licensed interior designer, management consultant, chartered financial analyst and six figure business-owner, Marlene experienced unrelenting anxiety and insecurity, feeling like an impostor herself. After years of looking for the answer, she discovered what was for her, the missing link.  

 An understanding called the Three Principles offered the peace of mind and authentic confidence she longed for.  The Principles are a radically new understanding of how life works, the infinite power of our minds and our innate capacity for creativity, resiliency and mental well-being.  Marlene shares this understanding with entrepreneurs and executives so they have greater clarity, make better decisions and ultimately achieve the personal and financial freedom they desire.

Free gift link:  7 Secrets to Unshakeable Calm, Clarity & Confidence

Get a hold of Marlene:
Telephone:   1 403 209-2142
Cell:  1 403 606-8723


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