Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast

Stop Talking About Your Business...Start Being YourSelf! With special guest Carol Starr Taylor

November 17, 2021 Carl Richards Season 3 Episode 73

As entrepreneurs we are pretty good about talking shop...but how well do we let others know about ourselves?  How often does the REAL YOU come out?  In this world of fakes and flakes, it's important to always be exploring ways to share with others who we really are...our authenticity needs to be front and centre. Carl's guest today has not only done that, but she helps bring out the BEST in others!

Carol Starr Taylor is the Publisher of Star House Publishing for compilation books and solo books, an International Bestselling Author, Certified Life Coach, Writing Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Business Consultant, NLP Practitioner, Time Line Therapy Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach and the Founder of The SiSTARhood. Carol is a two-time recipient of the Brilliant Minded Women Award and recognized as one of the “Top 100 Women in Canada”. She received her Honours Bachelor of Arts, with a specialty in Mass Communications. She has had numerous appearances over the years on Radio, TV and in articles. She founded The SiSTARhood, a growing Global community of heart-centered women to inspire and connect with other women without exclusion. Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe. At Star House Publishing she is actively building, supporting and empowering her author community by helping them achieve their dreams through publishing.

Ready to join the community and publish in GRIT?
Do you have a solo project in mind?

Connect with Carol!




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