Media Masters

Gideon Lichfield - Global Editorial Director at WIRED

Media Masters

Gideon Lichfield is global editorial director at WIRED. First published in 1993, with an initial focus solely on consumer tech, it has evolved over three decades to become a respected global media brand; reporting on - and influencing - global thought on “how emerging technology impacts culture, the economy, and our society.” With 52 million readers across print and online, and a further 30 million followers on social media, they have recently celebrated a 20% increase in paid subscribers. In this in-depth interview, Gideon shares how he is shaping WIRED’s global vision - widening their scope from reporting on technological change to becoming “the authority on tomorrow;” discusses how the “dizzying speed of cultural change” has inspired a greater focus on healthcare, civic society and the climate crisis; and reflects on his recent one-on-one interview with President Volodymir Zelensky, about how Ukraine’s innovation in tech and social media has strengthened the country’s defence against the Russian invasion.