Media Masters

Scott Armstrong - Former Editor-in-Chief of Arabian Business

August 12, 2022 Media Masters

Scott Armstrong is the former editor-in-chief of Arabian Business magazine, and founder of ‘mentl’ – a platform which provides a holistic approach to mental health issues in the workplace. With more than 30 years of experience as a journalist, editor and strategic communications consultant, his storied career has taken him from the UK to the Bahamas, through Oman to the United Arab Emirates. In this in-depth interview, Scott reflects on his years as an editor and how “instinct, leadership and management skills” are key to success – despite editors rarely receiving management training when promoted, which results in them lacking the necessary skills to lead effectively; argues that in local journalism, there is always a local angle to be found even within global news events – recalling his time working on The Evening Chronicle in Newcastle (UK), when they were able to find local residents who had been first-hand witnesses to the 9/11 attack in Manhattan; and reveals what inspired him to set up his new firm ‘mentl’ – a medium that finds solutions for protecting employees’ mental health – which is “the right thing to do” and is “best for both them and the business”.