Media Masters

Media Masters - Tim Shipman

June 14, 2018 Media Masters
Tim Shipman is Political Editor of the Sunday Times. A national newspaper journalist for nearly twenty years, he was previously the Deputy Political Editor of the Daily Mail, and Washington Correspondent for the Sunday Telegraph. In this in-depth interview, he shares his front-row seat at the ongoing battle for Brexit and the recent bungled general election, with daily life dealing with all the major players - both on and off the record; observes that during the days of Blair and Brown people at least knew what the rules of the game were, and nowadays no one does; reveals what it was like to work for the likes of Paul Dacre and Richard Desmond; discusses how social media has irrevocably altered not only how politics is done, but how its covered too; and stares into his crystal ball to answer the biggest questions of the moment - how long can Theresa May stay as Prime Minister, and could Corbyn actually win?