Media Masters

Media Masters - Joshua Foer

Media Masters

Joshua Foer is co-founder of Atlas Obscura. Founded in 2009, the online guide to the world’s “wonders and curiosities” has a reach of 6m monthly visitors, is one of the most popular travel websites in the world and boasts a submission-based catalogue of more than 22,000 places, 11,000 stories told and over 1,000 global experiences. In this in-depth interview, Joshua discusses how Atlas Obscura began, its growth into an online phenomenon, the upcoming launch of their app, and how they have tackled the impact of the pandemic; talks about his non-profit ‘Sefaria,’ a living library of Jewish texts - and his hopes to “bring the platform to life” and connect the wider Jewish community; and reflects on how he accidentally became a global expert on the science of memory - a journalist assignment in 2005 to attend the US memory championships, ended up in him taking part in the competition itself and winning -  and going on give a popular TED talk and best-selling book ‘Moonwalking with Einstein.’