Utah Charter School Conversations

Crossover Episode: March 2, 2022 Legislative Updates

Utah Association of Public Charter Schools Season 1 Episode 7

Today, we visit our sister podcast: Climbing the Hill. Climbing the Hill is all about the Utah Legislative Session and how it affects charter schools. We discuss the following with Royce Van Tassell, Executive Director, Utah Association of Public Charter Schools:

  • Budget
    • Funding still looks like increase of 6% WPU.
    • LRF increase 7%.
  • HB 475 Economic Stabilization Account Allocations: This bill will allocate the $250M one-time funds in the following manner:
  • $50M buildings fund for small districts in rural Utah
  • $30M building for Utah School for the Deaf and Blind
  • $90M to all LEAs
    • Distributed 20% base funding (about $25K for charter schools) and 80% funding on student enrollment
    • Money is unrestricted but will require reporting on how it was spent.
  • HB 193 All-Day Kindergarten: This bill has changed significantly and will now include an expansion of the Optional Extended Day Kindergarten (OEK) program. The intention will be to still require all LEAs to offer all-day kindergarten, but in 4 years or so through another bill.
  • HB 396 Paid Professional Development
      • $64M (more $$ than last week!) one-time funding for LEAs (based on teaching force) to allow for professional development outside required school days.
  • Charter schools can still use up to 35% state restricted funds for the next two fiscal years. All student needs still need to be met, but schools will be able to have flexibility to do so.
  • SB 141/HB 386: Regulatory Sandbox/Innovation in schools will likely pass and allow for waiver of rules/statute to help designated innovative schools. Also allows up to 35% state restricted funds to go toward innovation.
  • HB 374, Sensitive materials in schools has been amended to prevent schools from using pornographic material, according to statute definition of pornography. Will require schools to have a policy about this.

Contact Royce at royce@utahcharters.org with any comments/concerns about bills.
See www.utahcharters.org/legislative-updates for Watchlist of bills (under Advocacy tab).

The Utah Association of Public Charter Schools is a non-profit organization that promotes excellence in Utah's public charter schools through advocacy, training, and technical support. Our podcast is produced, hosted, and edited by Gina James. Original music was composed by James Valentine.

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