Moon Stories

Losing people

October 09, 2023 Evie
Losing people
Moon Stories
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Moon Stories
Losing people
Oct 09, 2023

This podcast discusses the different ways in which we lose people throughout our lives and the difficulties that come with it. 

Losing people, wether it be platonic or not, can take a real toll on our self esteem and feelings of security, especially if these people were incredibly close to us and had helped us through things that no one else had. It can make us feel as though we have a lack of support system, we can’t trust people as easily as we once thought, or make us feel a sense of impermanence that we as humans strive for. 

Humans don’t like change, we like things to be predictable and times like these, while typically necessary for our overall growth into new periods of our life, can really rock our mindsets and how we deal with things. 

This podcast goes through the history of dealing with loss in unhealthy ways and how much harder it can be to finally deal with something properly, instead of using unhealthy coping mechanisms or distractions. 

Ladder To Heaven On Earth Podcast (Hosted by LeVar Pompey)
Join me in the step by step process of rebuilding our families, rebuilding our...

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This podcast discusses the different ways in which we lose people throughout our lives and the difficulties that come with it. 

Losing people, wether it be platonic or not, can take a real toll on our self esteem and feelings of security, especially if these people were incredibly close to us and had helped us through things that no one else had. It can make us feel as though we have a lack of support system, we can’t trust people as easily as we once thought, or make us feel a sense of impermanence that we as humans strive for. 

Humans don’t like change, we like things to be predictable and times like these, while typically necessary for our overall growth into new periods of our life, can really rock our mindsets and how we deal with things. 

This podcast goes through the history of dealing with loss in unhealthy ways and how much harder it can be to finally deal with something properly, instead of using unhealthy coping mechanisms or distractions. 

Ladder To Heaven On Earth Podcast (Hosted by LeVar Pompey)
Join me in the step by step process of rebuilding our families, rebuilding our...

Listen on: Apple Podcasts  

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