LeaderImpact Podcast
LeaderImpact Podcast
Ep. 23 - Michael Zigarelli - What does it Look like when a Follower of Jesus Runs a Business
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Michael is a professor of Leadership and Strategy at Messiah University and the former Dean of the Regent University School of Business. Dr. Zigarelli’s research in the fields of management, leadership, practical theology, law and ethics has appeared in a number of scholarly journals and magazines, and he is the author of twelve books, including the book we are discussing today about what it looks like when a follower of Jesus runs a business. The book is called Christian-Owned Companies, and Michael’s work has been translated into several languages.
Professor Zigarelli is also the creator of the Christianity 9 to 5 resource center and YouTube channel, where more than 2 million viewers across 130 countries have accessed his instructional videos.
One of his great passions is coaching high school and college soccer. His greater passion is his family. Michael and his wife Tara have been blessed with four children and decades of marriage.
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