Joy City
This life in Christ provides us residency in Joy City. When life's challenges, struggles and hardships seem overwhelming, we look back to the First Century Church to find strength to persevere. After they were persecuted and fled, God used them in such a way that great joy was found in that city. Come join us in this City of Joy and celebrate with us and become even stronger and healthier for the Body of Christ. Jesus spoke these words, "...I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." The greatest and most complete joy only has its source in the divine joy provided in following Jesus Christ.
Joy City
Facing Extreme Obstacles
Hello, I’m your host, Stuart Welch the Lead Pastor of Life Connection Church located in Modesto, CA and my co-host, my brother and dear friend John Cunningham Jr., who we lovingly call Brother JC, who of last week was elevated to the role of Pastor at Christ Centered Missionary Baptist Church in Hayward California.
I am so excited to discuss Nick Vujicic, born with no limbs and the challenges he faces and has overcome. You will hear some tremendous insight, a few actionable tips that you can implement to improve in your pursuit of God through hearing Nick, and I am confident that you will find at the very least some mild amusement along the way too.
I was blessed to be serving at the Dept. of Corrections in Solano when Nick visited and shared his story. To see a man with no limbs and be inspired by his story and his journey.
Somethings in life you cannot change, but who's story are you going to believe. In the midst of people putting you down you may feel you are not good enough or that you are a failure. We tend to focus more on what we cannot do, then what we can do. You take one step at a time. Sometimes, you may fall down. Now what? You have to fight to get back back up.
Nick says he doesn't know what it's like to be called "fat," or to have an eating disorder, to be from a broken homes or to of been abused. But one thing he does know well, is a broken heart, is the feeling of being alone.
Bro. JC and I have the ability to share our thoughts about Nick's story and to encourage our listeners that nothing is impossible to God. We have the privilege of restoring others to victorious living.
Nick's parents asked the doctors, WHY? Nick asked his parents, WHY? Yet, he still has hope and wants us to have hope in Jesus Christ as well. Unfortunately, BAD things happen to everyone and that has nothing to do with whether you’re a “good” person or a “bad” person-on the flip side, good things happen to everyone too.
So when God opens our eyes in Joy City we can clearly celebrate others for our differences, we can support one another in our efforts and we can cheer one another on in the spirit of unity and when One wins we all win.
No one can come face to face with what God is like and ever be the same. Welcome to Joy City. Seeing His true image, touches the depths of our soul and beholding His glory will renew our minds, transform us and give us strength to live this life for Him. Come on in, where the table is spread and the feast of the Lord is going on. I want to invite you to be a part, a resident of Joy City. A place where the Body becomes stronger and our love for others only increases.
I’ve enjoyed being your host and you can comment below, or email me at pastorstuart@lifeconnection4christ.org or call me at (209) 522-3583.