Joy City
This life in Christ provides us residency in Joy City. When life's challenges, struggles and hardships seem overwhelming, we look back to the First Century Church to find strength to persevere. After they were persecuted and fled, God used them in such a way that great joy was found in that city. Come join us in this City of Joy and celebrate with us and become even stronger and healthier for the Body of Christ. Jesus spoke these words, "...I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full." The greatest and most complete joy only has its source in the divine joy provided in following Jesus Christ.
Joy City
Family Day as Cayman Welch Joins Joy City
Welcome to Joy City where I am joined by my son; Cayman Welch and my co-host, Brother J.C. who now serves as the pastor of Christ Centered Missionary Baptist Church in Hayward, CA.
We welcome Cayman who has his own media company, Black Ambition Media, and part of that is his podcast, The Rising (@egtherising), dealing with social issues that impact the Black Culture. Cayman and his crew also had the honor of facilitating the 1st ever Juneteenth Celebration for the City of Elk Grove. Big moment for his life and trajectory of his life and aspirations. This shows the Lord can open doors and provide opportunities and we must be prepared to engage.
Bro. J.C. asked Cayman, "how does it feel to be out on your own and creating your own identity apart from your dad?" Cayman expresses that the things he has learned growing up, the principles of prayer & reading scripture are things to lean into as he learns the principles of life on his own. JC reminds him that he is creating his own legacy.
JC continued with, "What are 2 challenges that you have faced being a PK (pastor's kid)?" Cayman talks about seeing what "people first" looks like. At times it is hard to see people first when you are a kid and you want stuff. 2nd challenge was just being under a spotlight - when you're a pastor's kid people will put expectations on you.
Cayman also serves as worship leader for a church in Lodi, CA. He began his experience at our 1st church plant when he was about 8-9 years old. He has grown so much in his musical gift and using it to God's glory as a young man. I asked Cayman to share his thoughts on church today. Cayman actually likes what we generally call "old school" church and dealing with some young people today, they don't have a similar church history and some have never been to church.
In addition, as young people, you have grown up in the digital age and the hip hop area, this becomes a filter in which younger generations view church or the Bible. Cayman discusses how he sees integrating these concepts into what is deemed ministry today.
We discuss trying to reach out to those who may be lost in the sense of how the Bible uses the term lost souls. COVID pushed many churches to realize that you have to be engaged with the population, connecting with people where they are in love and compassion. Community organizing is a big piece, doing things for people for the sake of being a resource or helping hand. God is there and may we be the hands and feet of God.
Enjoy the conversation and you can reach out to Cayman on YouTube by entering Black Ambition Media, listen in to the podcast at @eg_therising or email at egtherising@gmail.com.
What an amazing time speaking and sharing with Cayman today and I pray it is encouraging for you too.