Beyond An Ordinary Life

Solo Travel & Cultural Immersion in Kuala Lumpur: Lessons from a Danish Student's Study Abroad Journey

May 07, 2023 Christina Gerdes Episode 17
Solo Travel & Cultural Immersion in Kuala Lumpur: Lessons from a Danish Student's Study Abroad Journey
Beyond An Ordinary Life
Encounters: The Story of How We Met
Lost in the Process: Navigating the Information Overload of Study Abroad
Unveiling Kuala Lumpur: Why I Chose to Study Abroad Alone
Embracing Solitude: Challenging Myself to Step Beyond Comfort Zones
Breaking Cultural Barriers: Embracing Diversity and Socializing in a New Environment
Wanderlust Lessons: How Solo Traveling Fostered Openness and the American Role Model
Shedding Insecurities: Why You Shouldn't Worry About Others' Opinions
Arriving in Malaysia: The Rollercoaster Ride of First Days
Embarking on an Academic Journey: The Start of University Life
Remote Work Adventures: Exploring Expat Culture in Kuala Lumpur
Inspired by Co-working Spaces: Embracing an International Work Lifestyle
Expect the Unexpected: Navigating the Unexpected Turns of Life Abroad
The Challenges I Faced: Reflections on Hardships and Personal Growth
Educational Crossroads: A Comparative Look at German and Danish Systems
Janteloven: Unraveling Danish Culture and Jasan's Interpretation
Unforgettable Socializing: Random Stories of Bonding in Kuala Lumpur
Local Connections: Hanging Out with University Peers and Exploring Community
Finding Similar Souls Abroad: How Moving Inspires Meaningful Connections
Longing for Random Conversations: The Nostalgia of Homecoming
Cultural Connections: Exploring Southeast Asia's Similarities with Danish Culture
Malaysia and Vietnam: How Jasan fell in love with Two Vibrant Countries
The Solo Travel Bug: Why I Advocate for Independent Adventuring
Would I Do It Again? Reflecting on a Life-Altering Experience
Opening a New World: Lifelong Friends and Endless Possibilities
Balancing Acts: The Struggles of Staying Connected with Friends and Family
nsider Tips: Navigating the Malaysian Study Abroad Experience
More Info
Beyond An Ordinary Life
Solo Travel & Cultural Immersion in Kuala Lumpur: Lessons from a Danish Student's Study Abroad Journey
May 07, 2023 Episode 17
Christina Gerdes

In this episode, join Jasan, a Danish student, as he takes us through his exchange semester in Kuala Lumpur. From feeling lost in the process of preparation to the transformative power of solo travel, Jasan shares captivating insights that shaped his time abroad.

Jasan expresses gratitude for the guidance he received during the overwhelming preparation process, emphasizing the value of having someone to navigate through the abundance of information.

Choosing Kuala Lumpur as his study abroad destination, Jasan sought personal growth by challenging himself to break free from the tendency of people from the same nationality to stick together. He embraced the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds.

Solo travel played a pivotal role in Jasan's journey, allowing him to become more open to meeting new people and letting go of the fear of judgment. Inspired by the "American role model," he encourages others not to worry about what people think, as their opinions hold less significance than imagined.

Upon arriving in Kuala Lumpur, Jasan embraced the city's cultural differences and started university, immersing himself in an international educational environment. He found inspiration in the expat culture and co-working spaces, fueling his desire for an international career.

Jasan acknowledges that studying abroad doesn't always go as planned. He highlights the importance of adaptability and resilience in facing challenges, which ultimately shaped him into a more flexible and open-minded individual.

Reflecting on his travels in Southeast Asia, Jasan draws fascinating parallels between Danish and South Korean cultures, expanding his cultural understanding.

In closing, Jasan expresses deep gratitude for the life-changing opportunity to live in a different country. He cherishes the friendships formed abroad and encourages others to embrace solo travel for its unique ability to foster personal growth and cultural immersion.

Listen to this episode if you want to learn: 

  • The Power of asking for help
  • Why it's important to embrace cultural diversity and not only stick to people with the same nationality 
  • Why there is a power in solo traveling and how it leads to personal growth 
  • Why studying abroad doesn't go always as planned and why adaptability and resilience are key
  • Why the Danish and Malaysian educational systems are different and how to embrace these differences 
  • Why making international experiences are life-changing opportunities  

These are my favorite quotes of the episode: 

  • 2:28: “I was totally lost in the process. Especially because there is so much information coming, and it was a lot. I was so helpful with you helping me out with the process.”  
  • 06:32: “I wanted to challenge myself In the way to go out meeting people and not be restricted to a small group.” 
  • 10:45 “I think that is the best tip I can give is “Don’t worry so much what people think of you because in the end of the day you are probably never going to see them again.”  
  • 01:01:19: “You don’t really have this opportunity a lot in your life where you can just like put everything to the side and just live in a completely different country. And I am super grateful to have had that possibility."

Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot!

Show Notes Chapter Markers

In this episode, join Jasan, a Danish student, as he takes us through his exchange semester in Kuala Lumpur. From feeling lost in the process of preparation to the transformative power of solo travel, Jasan shares captivating insights that shaped his time abroad.

Jasan expresses gratitude for the guidance he received during the overwhelming preparation process, emphasizing the value of having someone to navigate through the abundance of information.

Choosing Kuala Lumpur as his study abroad destination, Jasan sought personal growth by challenging himself to break free from the tendency of people from the same nationality to stick together. He embraced the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds.

Solo travel played a pivotal role in Jasan's journey, allowing him to become more open to meeting new people and letting go of the fear of judgment. Inspired by the "American role model," he encourages others not to worry about what people think, as their opinions hold less significance than imagined.

Upon arriving in Kuala Lumpur, Jasan embraced the city's cultural differences and started university, immersing himself in an international educational environment. He found inspiration in the expat culture and co-working spaces, fueling his desire for an international career.

Jasan acknowledges that studying abroad doesn't always go as planned. He highlights the importance of adaptability and resilience in facing challenges, which ultimately shaped him into a more flexible and open-minded individual.

Reflecting on his travels in Southeast Asia, Jasan draws fascinating parallels between Danish and South Korean cultures, expanding his cultural understanding.

In closing, Jasan expresses deep gratitude for the life-changing opportunity to live in a different country. He cherishes the friendships formed abroad and encourages others to embrace solo travel for its unique ability to foster personal growth and cultural immersion.

Listen to this episode if you want to learn: 

  • The Power of asking for help
  • Why it's important to embrace cultural diversity and not only stick to people with the same nationality 
  • Why there is a power in solo traveling and how it leads to personal growth 
  • Why studying abroad doesn't go always as planned and why adaptability and resilience are key
  • Why the Danish and Malaysian educational systems are different and how to embrace these differences 
  • Why making international experiences are life-changing opportunities  

These are my favorite quotes of the episode: 

  • 2:28: “I was totally lost in the process. Especially because there is so much information coming, and it was a lot. I was so helpful with you helping me out with the process.”  
  • 06:32: “I wanted to challenge myself In the way to go out meeting people and not be restricted to a small group.” 
  • 10:45 “I think that is the best tip I can give is “Don’t worry so much what people think of you because in the end of the day you are probably never going to see them again.”  
  • 01:01:19: “You don’t really have this opportunity a lot in your life where you can just like put everything to the side and just live in a completely different country. And I am super grateful to have had that possibility."

Do you have any questions, tips for improvement, or you're seeking more inspiration for moving abroad? Then follow me on: IG & TikTok: @chrigerdes and YouTube: Beyond-an-ordinary-life
If you like this podcast, then please hit the subscribe button and give me a rating or review. This helps more than you know to get this podcast out to like-minded people who want to learn how to move abroad, too! I appreciate your help a lot!

Encounters: The Story of How We Met
Lost in the Process: Navigating the Information Overload of Study Abroad
Unveiling Kuala Lumpur: Why I Chose to Study Abroad Alone
Embracing Solitude: Challenging Myself to Step Beyond Comfort Zones
Breaking Cultural Barriers: Embracing Diversity and Socializing in a New Environment
Wanderlust Lessons: How Solo Traveling Fostered Openness and the American Role Model
Shedding Insecurities: Why You Shouldn't Worry About Others' Opinions
Arriving in Malaysia: The Rollercoaster Ride of First Days
Embarking on an Academic Journey: The Start of University Life
Remote Work Adventures: Exploring Expat Culture in Kuala Lumpur
Inspired by Co-working Spaces: Embracing an International Work Lifestyle
Expect the Unexpected: Navigating the Unexpected Turns of Life Abroad
The Challenges I Faced: Reflections on Hardships and Personal Growth
Educational Crossroads: A Comparative Look at German and Danish Systems
Janteloven: Unraveling Danish Culture and Jasan's Interpretation
Unforgettable Socializing: Random Stories of Bonding in Kuala Lumpur
Local Connections: Hanging Out with University Peers and Exploring Community
Finding Similar Souls Abroad: How Moving Inspires Meaningful Connections
Longing for Random Conversations: The Nostalgia of Homecoming
Cultural Connections: Exploring Southeast Asia's Similarities with Danish Culture
Malaysia and Vietnam: How Jasan fell in love with Two Vibrant Countries
The Solo Travel Bug: Why I Advocate for Independent Adventuring
Would I Do It Again? Reflecting on a Life-Altering Experience
Opening a New World: Lifelong Friends and Endless Possibilities
Balancing Acts: The Struggles of Staying Connected with Friends and Family
nsider Tips: Navigating the Malaysian Study Abroad Experience