LifeWatch ERIC

Voices of Women IWD: Iria Soto (ES) and Yifang Shi (NL).

March 06, 2023 LifeWatch ERIC
Voices of Women IWD: Iria Soto (ES) and Yifang Shi (NL).
LifeWatch ERIC
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LifeWatch ERIC
Voices of Women IWD: Iria Soto (ES) and Yifang Shi (NL).
Mar 06, 2023
LifeWatch ERIC

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, LifeWatch ERIC has created a podcast miniseries that investigates the authentic experiences of women working in science, called Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day. We invited scientists from our eight member states to talk candidly about their work and experience, and interviewed them in pairs, which produced some spontaneous and insightful conversations. A range of ages and a diversity of backgrounds are represented, which makes the end result an enriching range of experiences and contemporary points of view of women working in research today. 

 This first Women in Science interview features Iria Soto, Agroecology Project Manager at Federtech, within the LifeWatch ERIC Agroecology Team in the ICT-Core in Seville, and Yifang Shi, Scientific Developer for Ecological Applications of LiDAR Remote Sensing, at the Virtual Laboratory and Innovations Centre in Amsterdam.

Show Notes

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, LifeWatch ERIC has created a podcast miniseries that investigates the authentic experiences of women working in science, called Voices of Women @LifeWatch ERIC for International Women's Day. We invited scientists from our eight member states to talk candidly about their work and experience, and interviewed them in pairs, which produced some spontaneous and insightful conversations. A range of ages and a diversity of backgrounds are represented, which makes the end result an enriching range of experiences and contemporary points of view of women working in research today. 

 This first Women in Science interview features Iria Soto, Agroecology Project Manager at Federtech, within the LifeWatch ERIC Agroecology Team in the ICT-Core in Seville, and Yifang Shi, Scientific Developer for Ecological Applications of LiDAR Remote Sensing, at the Virtual Laboratory and Innovations Centre in Amsterdam.