Blaming the Riff Raff ἐπίμικτος
Julian Ungar-Sargon
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Julian Ungar-Sargon
Blaming the Riff Raff ἐπίμικτος
Feb 21, 2022 Season 16 Episode 5
Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon

We explore the meaning of the hapax “Erev Rav” as well as the term Num 11:4 
through the eyes of Midrash and Zohar and how the term has been used through the ages for those Jews wo do not conform to the normative values. Including the conversos arriving in Palestine in the 1600’s, the Frankist/contra talmudists against their orthodox neighbors in Wojsławice, Poland and as recent as Haredi  gedolim in Israel calling chilonim…." Erev rav”. We end with the deep insight of the Tshuos Chen a talmid of the Baal Shem Tov who cautioned us as to the assafsuf maybe within each of us.