Pause: Cultivating the Inner Mystic - Reflections and Practice [Pause 24]
I Thought I Was Over This
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I Thought I Was Over This
Pause: Cultivating the Inner Mystic - Reflections and Practice [Pause 24]
Jan 25, 2023 Episode 45
Dr. Kimber

Pause episodes, identified by the white raven on the cover, aim to improve the connection between your mind and body, along with assisting you in practicing being settled and grounded. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain.

In this episode, we will dive into embodying ourselves and treating our bodies as sacred. Please take a moment to gather a candle, pen, and paper, and find a comfortable place to sit as I guide you through exercises designed to help you slow down, stay grounded, and fully embrace the present moment.

In this episode we:

1:30 – Practice the art of slowing down and self-reflection

4:18 – Value how our minds work by paying attention to it

5:39 – Journal and reflect on the innermost parts of ourselves

6:12 – Try the mindfulness exercise

15:18 – Honor ourselves; we are made to be seen

25:11 – Put put on paper and write our feelings through

Resources to check out:

Natalie Goldberg’s works:
Natalie’s website:
Mirabai Starr’s website:

Check out past episodes and more information here:

Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

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Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing