Pause: Getting Out of Destructive Thoughts [Pause 34]
I Thought I Was Over This
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I Thought I Was Over This
Pause: Getting Out of Destructive Thoughts [Pause 34]
May 03, 2023 Episode 57
Dr. Kimber

In this episode, we will be mostly standing, but if you prefer sitting, you can sit. Remember that you can do whatever you want here, and the idea is to have some tools that you can use to distract yourself from destructive thought patterns.

Our internal harsh judge has a habit of thinking that we are omnipotent and omniscient, and it starts berating us from a pretty simple perspective, which is that everything is our fault. This negative filter is not sophisticated and cannot help us create a story that holds the complexity of the issues.

Therefore, distraction is a fantastic thing that we can use to change our filter and the way we filter information through. Neuroscience has shown that distraction is the way to change our filter and create a story that holds the complexity of the issues.

The first step is to notice when we are thinking negative thoughts and then distract ourselves from them. There are several cognitive behavioral techniques that we can try, but the idea is not to find something that works all the time but to have some tools that we can use.

In this episode we: 

1. Discuss Mindful Movement
2. Movement Exercise
3. Breath Exercise
4. Tapping Exercise
5. Dancing

At the end of this episode, you will likely find yourself more grounded and regulated. If not, repeat. It means your body needs more time. Do not let the harsh judge tell you that you've failed. You are a sacred being. You matter. You are resourceful. Don't forget that.

Check out past episodes and more information here:

Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

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Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing