Pause: It's Past Your Bedtime - Let's Get You To Sleep Even When You Think You're Not Tired [Pause 38]
I Thought I Was Over This
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I Thought I Was Over This
Pause: It's Past Your Bedtime - Let's Get You To Sleep Even When You Think You're Not Tired [Pause 38]
Jun 07, 2023 Episode 61
Dr. Kimber

Are you or someone you know having difficulty falling asleep even though you've been up for more than 16 hours? Fear not! In this podcast episode, you'll learn techniques for calming the nervous system, even when your mind thinks you can't get to sleep.

Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body,  through practicing body awareness and paying attention to what's happening internally.

Today we will focus on shifting out of feeling awake even though your mind is exhausted to feeling tired and ready to sleep. By the end of the episode, you'll have shifted from adrenaline keeping you awake into a calmer, more grounded state.

In this episode we: 

  1. Discuss good sleep hygiene
  2. Notice your body 
  3. Use movement 
  4. Practice hand on your heart and/or belly
  5. Feel a heaviness in your body indicating relaxation

This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering losses, especially baby loss during pregnancy. 

Check out past episodes and more information here:

Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

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Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing