Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View

The Art is in the Details

February 27, 2023 Julie @ The Farm Wife Season 2 Episode 48

We all too often have a stack of those huge projects that need to be done. Long before I start on mine, I always have a mental image of how they should look once completed.  Invariably, my imagined finished piece seems so much grander and more perfect than what is possible with the parts and pieces I have laid out to work with.  But I have faith that it can be done and done right.  All it takes is remembering that the Art is in the Details.

Regardless of the project or task at hand, there really is Art in the details.  Even the simplest task, such as laundry, has an art to it.  In this Episode, we will explore the artistic side to any project you are working on, and how paying attention to the details can make a world of difference in the final results.

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Do you want to learn more about living a simple life? Then a great place to start is with the books in my Simple Life Series!

Living a Simple Life on the Farm (my story)

The Search for a Simple Life

How to Cook a Possum: Yesterday’s Skills & Frugal Tips for a Simple Life (don’t worry – this isn’t a cookbook!)

We all too often have a stack of those huge projects that need to be done. Long before I start on mine, I always have a mental image of how they should look once completed.  Invariably, my imagined finished piece seems so much grander and more perfect than what is possible with the parts and pieces I have laid out to work with.  But I have faith that it can be done and done right.  All it takes is remembering that the Art is in the Details.

One of my favorite artists is Salvador Dali.  As an art major, I can appreciate his technique, but as a creative person, I often wonder about his thought process – from idea to canvas.  I think my favorite work of Dali’s is his Gala Nude/Abraham Lincoln.  When you look at the painting up close, you see the back of a woman who seems to be gazing into a window carved out of a wall of colorful blocks. However, if you step back from the painting, all you see is the portrait of Abraham Lincoln.  It is called ‘Dali Vision’ for a reason - it is all in the way you look at the painting.  

In order to achieve that level of success, Dali had to envision what he wanted his final project to look like. He also needed to know what emotions he wanted to invoke in the viewer. From there, he had to carefully choose his canvas, colors, type of paint, the size and type of brush and even what other tools he would need. From there, he set up his easel in a position to garner the best light and got started. 

To me, my farm began as a blank canvas.  How it will look when it is finished really is going to depend on the detail work.  I can throw a fence up in a day, but the finished project is going to look that way, and more than likely won’t hold up over time.  When I look at the scope of work that needs to be done, I am amazed at the amount of detail that is required.  Iron pipe measured to an exacting length and used for posts.  The placement and spacing of those posts. Tools like welders, levels, pliers, cement, and more.  With this attention to detail, that fence will probably last another ten to twenty years.  But the best part is not only will the fence look like it will stand forever, but it will be straight and neat.  A work of Art, if you will. 

Have you ever seen the photos of gardens that look more like a piece of artwork than a patch of vegetables or bed of flowers?  Take a closer look.  Can you see the detail that went into planting it?  Someone took a lot of time designing, and creating the borders, preparing the soil, choosing the plants and determining their best placement, then weeding, feeding, watering and tending those plants.  The end result is a colorful, healthy garden that will produce flowers, fruit, herbs, or vegetables for a full season.  

Take a moment to look around you. Observe all the details God took into consideration when He created this world.  Color.  Texture.  Depth.  Even things unseen – air, sound, aromas, touch.  Look closely at the flowers.  The detail work He used is astounding, and blends together so perfectly it can leave you slack-jawed just to view it.

Regardless of the project or task at hand, there really is Art in the details.  Even the simplest task, such as laundry, has an art to it.  Clean clothes, fresh from the dryer, folded and stacked can be a beautiful sight – especially after you have worked all day to get it done.  Housework takes a lot of attention to detail to get it thoroughly clean and presentable. Once you are finished, embrace how comforting and peaceful your home feels, looks, and smells. 

Imagine a yard in desperate need of mowing, and then think about how it will look when you are finished – like a well-manicured carpet of green.  If you pay attention to the small details, like mowing, edging, and cleaning up, your yard will come out looking like a work of Art.

Before you step into your craft room, do you take a moment to think about what it is you want to create? Consider the medium – whether it is yarn, fabric, mosaic tiles, or a rug hooking or embroidery project. Every finished product won’t just have a design and color. It will also have a feel to it. The colors you use can evoke emotions. 

Even cooking and baking is an art form. If you hand the exact same cake recipe and ingredients to 10 different people, you will still come out with 10 different cakes. One will be fluffier. The next will have swirls in the icing. And yet another one will be bigger, smaller, lighter, heavier, and have a slightly different flavor. 

I love baking bread. But I can make the same loaf 50 times, and each loaf will come out slightly different. I believe it has to do with several different things: the weather plays a big part.(did you know the barometric pressure in the air can affect what you are baking?) My mood of the day can change the way I mix and knead the bread. A slight temperature difference or humidity level can affect the way it rises. 

 Before you start on any new project – whether it is cooking, baking, crafting, or even cleaning house or building a fence, take a moment to envision how you want it to look, feel, and taste when it’s finished. Step back and think through the details of what it will take to make it a piece of valued artwork. 

By considering the details of your project, you will be able to do a better job. Even when I am in my greenhouse, I envision not only the health of my plants, but the fruits and vegetables I will be able to harvest. In order for me to have the best and tastiest, I need to make sure my soil is healthy, my plants are sturdy, and they have the best environment to get started. Some details for them also include frequent checks for light, temperature, water, and food. All of this is considered before I plant the first seed. 

I think it’s time to start changing our perspectives on the projects we have in front of us.  Instead of just slapping things together, take a minute to think about how you want the project to look when it’s finished.  Then take it one step at a time, focusing on the small details. Before you know it, your project will be complete, looking better than you ever dreamed.  Because when it’s all finished, the Art really is in the Details.  


If you want to learn more about the topic at hand or get a transcript for this episode, just visit my website at That is the Resource page for this podcast and I have it set up by episodes to make things easier to find. To help you out, this is Episode 48. 

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Thanks again for stopping in. I will see you next week on Living a Simple Life with a Back Porch View. And while you are waiting on the next episode, grab that glass of refreshment, pull up a rocker, and sit back for a while. It’s time to relax and enjoy.