Is Pain the Elephant in the Room with Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg - לעלוי נשמת אליהו בן שמואל יעקב
Relief from Grief
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Relief from Grief
Is Pain the Elephant in the Room with Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg - לעלוי נשמת אליהו בן שמואל יעקב
Sep 28, 2022
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Lecturer for Partners in Torah of Detroit, Yeshivah Bais Yehudah and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

She is lots of fun and full of life. Conversations with her are characterized by her trademark sense of humor. But talk to Sara Aliza for more than five minutes, and you will find that she is deep and introspective. She hasn’t let life simply happen. She takes what she’s been given and uses it to grow. It makes sense that her speeches are so well-received. After all, she doesn’t just lecture. She lives what she speaks about.

When Sara Aliza’s father died suddenly, leaving his wife a young widow and his children orphans, Sara Aliza’s pain was so deep. Her father had been the family’s rock. How could they possibly go on? Listen as Sara Aliza shares her experiences. I hope you’ll be inspired the way I was.