A Year in Review: Powerful Takeaways from Our Incredible Podcast Guests לעילוי נשמת אברהם יצחק בן חיים צבי
Relief from Grief
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Relief from Grief
A Year in Review: Powerful Takeaways from Our Incredible Podcast Guests לעילוי נשמת אברהם יצחק בן חיים צבי
May 23, 2023
Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

Ask anyone who knows me from my growing-up days. Back then, they would have laughed at the prospect of me hosting a podcast. It just wasn’t my type.

But here I am, doing just that – and I get regular calls in response.  People tell me, “Thank you so much. I love your podcast. I am finding it so helpful.” I feel gratified that Hashem has given me the opportunity to do this. Loss is so painful, and if I can help even a small fraction of those in pain, then I am grateful.

Never would I have imagined the vast array of people I have hosted so far. There are those that share their own personal stories of loss, and then there are the rabbis and therapists and founders of important initiatives.

It is so rewarding to see that more and more people are listening. That keeps me going.

Now that it’s over a year since we’ve begun, I decided it was time to review. This isn’t a podcast with one person talking, but rather, snippets from many guests who came on over the past year, sharing their experience or chizzuk.

After you listen, you might just feel like listening to them all.


