Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: The Willingness to Abide Differently

March 27, 2024 Jason Amoroso Season 13 Episode 281
Lesson 13: The Willingness to Abide Differently
Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
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Daily The Way of Mastery with Jason Amoroso
Lesson 13: The Willingness to Abide Differently
Mar 27, 2024 Season 13 Episode 281
Jason Amoroso

Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 2: An Exercise To Expand Your Awareness
Paragraphs: 13-16

This episode takes you through a transformative exploration of spiritual awakening, where we discuss the exercise provided by Jeshua to expand our awareness – even in the most mundane settings like grocery shopping. It's an insightful look at how tuning into the undercurrents of consciousness can lead to a profound understanding of our interconnectedness and the freedom that comes with it.

Have you ever considered that the healer within is not a rare gift but an innate ability lying dormant in us all? This episode uncovers the journey of self-realization and the activation of our inherent powers through belief and practice. We delve into personal stories and share insights into the common pitfalls of intellectual understanding without application, and how true transformation demands a different way of thinking and acting.

Join me as we embrace the extraordinary capabilities within each of us. This episode is a call to shed perceived limitations and step into the role of the creator of our own experiences. Share this journey with others who are also seeking to unlock the transformative powers within.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Lesson 13: You Are Unlimited Spirit
Section 2: An Exercise To Expand Your Awareness
Paragraphs: 13-16

This episode takes you through a transformative exploration of spiritual awakening, where we discuss the exercise provided by Jeshua to expand our awareness – even in the most mundane settings like grocery shopping. It's an insightful look at how tuning into the undercurrents of consciousness can lead to a profound understanding of our interconnectedness and the freedom that comes with it.

Have you ever considered that the healer within is not a rare gift but an innate ability lying dormant in us all? This episode uncovers the journey of self-realization and the activation of our inherent powers through belief and practice. We delve into personal stories and share insights into the common pitfalls of intellectual understanding without application, and how true transformation demands a different way of thinking and acting.

Join me as we embrace the extraordinary capabilities within each of us. This episode is a call to shed perceived limitations and step into the role of the creator of our own experiences. Share this journey with others who are also seeking to unlock the transformative powers within.

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

If you're interested in the Living The Way of Mastery Year-Long Program, click here.

If you'd like to support the podcast, you can donate here:

If you would like to experience Revelation Breathwork, you can get our FREE 3-part Breathwork for Beginners series here.

Purchase The Way of Mastery here. (This is a link to the Shanti Christo website, not Amazon. I want to support the organization. I don't receive any commission from this.)

You can purchase access to the Lesson 5 Guided Meditation Prayer that Jason recorded here for $4.44

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Daily Study of the Way of Mastery. I'm Jason Amoroso, your guide and friend, and today we continue with Lesson 13. You are unlimited spirit. And Section 2, an exercise to expand your awareness. Again, it's so easy just to read the titles, but we're getting messages here. You are unlimited spirit, unlimited in your spirit. You're not a body, and Jeshua is giving us an exercise, something to do, to practice regularly, to expand your awareness of what is, of who you believe yourself to be, of what is available to you. All right, let's dive in. I'm excited to have some fun with you guys today. Jeshua continues If you listened to the last episode, it's all about as you expand your awareness, you will be able to receive information, see beyond the edges of a person, to really the consciousness that is underneath their form.

Speaker 1:

So here we go, jeshua says Imagine being able to go to your grocery store and push your little metal carts down the aisles so that you can fill it with the boxes of what appears to be fresh food and notice the thought waves of those around you. Imagine beginning to pick up what is going on in their drama, their story, their life, and actually being able to telepathically communicate to them the answers to their dilemmas. Would that not feel like a greater degree of freedom than what you are accustomed to? So again, he's giving us this idea like wouldn't it be a greater degree of freedom of your being than what you're accustomed to? Meaning? Oh, you're there, I'm here. You have your private thoughts, I have no idea what's going on inside of you or around you and I've got my own thing going on. And if we decide to share, fine, but if not, everybody's separate and that is the opposite of what Jeshua has been talking about, where there is no separation, and so many other mystical traditions teach the same thing that it's all one consciousness being expressed and we actually have access to all of it.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua has been saying since the beginning, but let's start from the beginning he uses you know the other analogy he uses you're sitting in the car and you look over next to you in another car and on the surface you see a car and a person. They're driving. But if you soften your not awareness, but if you soften your gaze, if you have an intention, a willingness to see beyond the edges of the form, you can start to receive information. And again, there are no private thoughts and all things are available to you. So he uses this analogy now of going to the grocery store and pushing your little metal cart down the aisles and this is my own personal, I guess, bias or opinion, and we're allowed to have opinions here that's okay so that you can fill it with the boxes of what appears to be fresh food. Now, I don't know exactly what he means by that, but if something's in a box, it's probably not fresh, it's probably processed crap on some level. So is Jeshua giving us some nutritional advice? I don't know, but anyways, notice, he says, when you're going grocery shopping, notice the thought waves of those around you. Huh, so we, he's telling us, you have the ability. You have the ability, the gift, to notice the thought waves of those around you.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you go to your grocery store today and you're like, okay, what's that lady thinking, what's that guy, what's underneath the surface, and you don't get anything right away, be patient with yourself Doesn't mean you're doing it wrong, doesn't mean you can't do it. It's like any other skill. It takes practice, it takes belief, one that you can do it. And in my experience, when I do these things excuse me the first thought that always pops into my head is you're making that up, not you're crazy, but like, ah, you're just making that up and maybe I am, I don't know. But it's like, can you at least be okay with that? Maybe I'm making up, but what if I'm not? What if there is something there? And the more we open be open to the idea that we can receive information, that we can connect to someone else's thoughts or energy. If we're all energy bodies walking around and there's really, it's all energy. Right, it's all energy. That's what Einstein said. Even matter is just energy vibrating. So it's all vibrating frequency energy. If we can tune into a frequency we can receive, just like on a radio station, we can receive what's happening over there.

Speaker 1:

So he says imagine being able to pick up what's going on in their drama, their story in their life. But what does that mean? That you've got a drama, I've got a drama, a story. It's just a story. It's just a story, it's just a drama. It's what you think is your life, but it's just something you're creating. And that's what he's been saying since lesson one. So you're able to tap into, to receive information about their story, their drama, whatever's going on, story, their drama, whatever's going on and then he goes next level actually being able to telepathically communicate to them the answers to their dilemmas. Now, my guess would be he's not talking about stock tips, he's not talking about well, you should do this giving advice to people.

Speaker 1:

In my experience at least, as I feel like I've grown, the answers to all of my dilemmas one they're always within, if I'm willing to be still. And it's like Einstein says the consciousness that created the problem can't solve the problem. So if we go on thinking about our problem nonstop from the level of consciousness that created the problem, we're never going to discover or hear the answer because it's not found at that level. It's found at a higher consciousness. But if we don't slow down, if we don't go within and listen, if we're not open to solutions coming from other than, again, our thinking mind that created the problem, we're never going to hear the solution. But Jeshua is saying you can imagine being able to actually telepathically, through your mind, communicate to them the answers to their dilemma. And the answers, again, in my experience, are always words of wisdom beyond specifics. Again, not like, hey, buy this stock or sell this stock now, or do this or do that. It's not telling you what to do. In my experience, the answers are always like slow down, listen, have faith, trust your gut. What's your gut telling you? It's always something already within you. So imagine being able to do that. Would that not feel like a greater degree of freedom than what you're accustomed to? And he continues.

Speaker 1:

This is paragraph 14,. The way of transformation absolutely requires that you be committed to living differently. That you be committed to living differently, for is not transformation a change from the status quo? How can you experience transformation if you do not use time to think and be differently? Crying out to me will not do it. Reading a thousand holy books will not do it. One thing, and one thing only, will bring you into the transformation that you have sought the willingness and that word's in italics, for emphasis the willingness to abide where you are differently. That word is also in italics. So let's look at this paragraph. This is Jeshua's throwing down the gauntlet, in a way, like here. It is Take it or leave it, say yes or say no. The way of transformation. And this is just. This is the first lesson in the next 12 or so lessons about the way of transformation, which is, I think, if you're listening, this is what we all want transformation from one state to another.

Speaker 1:

It absolutely 100% requires you can't do without it that you be committed to living differently. Again, for me, commitment's 100%. I don't think you can be 99.9% committed, because that leaves that 0.1% that you can get out of something. And when things get hard and we have a way out, we get a way out. That's just that simple.

Speaker 1:

And look at the areas of your life. If you're 100% all in committed to something, there's no other option, there's no way to get out. You're going to find a way to move through. You're going to find courage to be resilient if you know there's no other options. But once you have another option, when it gets really hard, you're going to take it. And that's not easy. That can be in marriage, that can be in any kind of commitment that we make in parenting, that can be in whatever. So make commitments carefully, that's a good thing. So make commitments carefully, that's a good thing. What am I willing to go all in on? Again, I can't say this enough. Not that there's no plan B, but it's like when I'm all in, I'm all in, and when it gets hard, I'm still all in Notice.

Speaker 1:

Look at the times in your life where things have gotten really hard and you not took the easy way out, but you use that as a reason to stop on the commitment you think you made. And I say you think it because you stopped, that doesn't mean you can't make a different choice, but just notice that in your own life, ask yourself that question and also feel inside. Where do you think or say you're committed to this way, to the Christ consciousness, to love, to these teachings of Jesus or any other true mystical teaching teachings of Jesus or any other true mystical teaching where you say you're committed but your actions actually don't support that? The way of transformation absolutely requires that you be committed to living differently. You know, we've all heard this now. It's kind of a cliche not a cliche, I don't know but it's like the saying. You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. That's what we do all the time, right? So Jeshua's saying you got to do something different, you got to think differently, you got to act differently.

Speaker 1:

For is not transformation a change from the status quo? If you want to change, you've got to make a change, and it comes first from a commitment, a decision that you make internally. Everything follows from that internal decision, whatever it is, I'm going to quit smoking, I'm going to commit to my spiritual practices. Whatever it is, it's a decision internal first. I remember I've shared this before in the podcast. I just it was a big moment for me because it was one of those moments where, like, I felt the power of a commitment full on all in.

Speaker 1:

And it was when I was in law school and I kind of skated through law school, like I didn't really study that much, I didn't want to be a lawyer, so I didn't really apply myself. I got okay grades but like I crammed a lot and I had a photographic memory, but I didn't retain anything and I wasn't like a good, like loss, I didn't. You know, I wasn't a good student one and I definitely wasn't like, oh, I'm a great lawyer, I want to be a lawyer. So but when I, when I graduated, it was like, okay, I was at the Dodgers, the LA Dodgers, and I decided to leave my job in baseball. So I wasn't working as a lawyer, I was working in baseball and my wife got pregnant with, I think, our first kid and I was like or our second kid.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember it was a long time ago, but I do remember being like, oh, I don't want to be one of those baseball executives that have no family, because at the time there's just like I looked around in baseball, I didn't realize this when you're on the outside. You don't realize this. When you're on the inside, you see, oh, these people work 24-7, 365 days a year. Even when there's an quote off season, you're still working a ton and you're traveling a ton. And I didn't want to travel, I don't want to be away from my young family. And you know, my parents got divorced, not because my dad was traveling or my parents were traveling, but they got divorced. And I was like I don't want to get divorced. My family and relationship is so important to me.

Speaker 1:

So my dream job, my whole youth, into my teenage years, into my 20s, and what I was like, my dream job was to be the general manager of a major league baseball team. And then I saw the sacrifice that would be required and I was not willing to make that sacrifice and so I quit. I decided to stop and just so happens, synchronistically, beautifully, divinely, that the associate counsel at the Dodgers was leaving to go to Disney and there was an opening and I was so unqualified for that job you know, fresh out of law school an in-house corporate position. Usually that's filled by somebody else who's been in, worked in corporate for for years and now they're coming in and but there was a lot of crap going on at the Dodgers at that time. So my I think my boss, the general counsel, who might still be there he's a great man was just like I just need somebody in here to kind of pick up the stuff that needs to get done, like drafting sponsorship contracts, which was most of what I did, like Like where's the signage for Coca-Cola? Go in the outfield, and what are the sweepstakes rules for Farmer John's hot dogs, like all that boring crap, and but.

Speaker 1:

But the opportunity was there and I was not going to say no to it. And so when the opportunity was there, obviously I knew I had to take the bar and for not being a good student or not really caring that much, not applying that much, like the idea of taking the California state bar, which had at that time a failure rate of more than 50%, was, was daunting. But I knew that I needed to do it for myself and for my family. And so I remember I was on the concourse of the you know the sweet concourse outside of the offices, looking out onto Dodger Field, the Dodger Stadium Field, and just making the decision right then and there, no matter what, it's like not, oh, I'm going to try and take study for the bar and pass it. I'm going to see if this works out.

Speaker 1:

It was like set in stone. I'm doing this. That level of like, commitment and conviction and will, and I'm doing it. I don't come hell or high water, I'm making this happen and I did. I applied myself like I'd never before. I mean, there was a lot on the line, obviously, like my job, money, family, even though I didn't want to be a lawyer. It was like this is here right now for me and I'm doing it. Yes, I'm in, all in. And I passed first time past the California state bar and it was a great accomplishment, and not so much that I don't even remember much of the law now, 20, you know, 20, 20 years later. But it was like building that confidence that when I commit all in, I know what I'm capable of, and that moment stuck with me. So anytime I'm like I am all in. I don't think it's ever not worked out. So that's that kind of absolute commitment Jeshua is asking of us, and I love this.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, how can you experience transformation if you don't use time to think and be different? You won't. Nothing's going to change, and crying out to me will not do it. It's like, oh Jesus, save me or do it for me. No, and he's always been like. That's why this teaching is the most empowering God's not doing it for you. Jeshua is not doing it for you. The saints aren't doing it for you. Yes, they're going to support you and help you and believe in you, and because they know who you are one, they know you're not lacking anything. So it's like I got you go for it, but you got to do it and that's the gift. You got to do it so you know you can do it and you know who you are. That's the message that all the saints and Jesuit masters are giving us.

Speaker 1:

So, crying out to me, I'm going to give you as much love and support, but ultimately and there's I don't remember which lesson, but I remember I got goosebumps reading it for the first time and I love reading it more and more and more, which is like, at some point, I'll help you all along the way. At some point you're going to say, hey, put me down. Jesus, jeshua, put me down. I got this. Ooh, yes, fuck, yes, that's empowerment. Hey, thank fuck, yes, that's empowerment. Hey, thank you for the support I needed at certain times, like that footprints in the sand. But now put me down. I'm gonna do this. I believe in myself that much. I know who I am, so crying out to me it's not gonna get it done for you. You can do it, I'm gonna love you. It's not gonna get it done for you.

Speaker 1:

Reading a thousand holy books will not do it. And we love reading a thousand holy books. We love reading, reading things like the Way of Mastery or A Course in Miracles, or Autobiography of Yogi or the Bhagavad Gita or whatever holy books. The Bible, the Torah and whatever other holy books are out there. Right, we love it.

Speaker 1:

But why will that not do it? Because it's not about the doing, because you can't access this just at the level of the intellect. Reading is passive. Understanding something is passive. We have all been there in our life where we understood something, but we still do the behavior that we don't want. Oh, I understand that love, that judgment, you know, literally kills the bodies in the cell and that forgiveness is the great way. But we all judge and some of us are very reluctant, if not resistant, to forgiving. So if you don't do the work, how are you going to get the thing? So, yes, having the intellectual understanding, reading the holy book, knowing the things, is one thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

I know somebody who's all about, let's say, the new earth and everything that Eckhart Tolle teaches, the pain body and all these things. But they don't apply that in their daily life. When they get upset, oh, it's just my pain body. No, it's that person's fault because they're doing that. And I'm upset because dot, dot dot, whatever you put after the dot dot dot, you're a victim to that. I'm upset because something out there is making me upset. That is a denial of the first axiom of truth, which is I am the creator of all that I experience. There's nothing that comes into my experience that I experience that is not created by me. That's what forgiveness is. You're forgiving yourself for forgetting or not living that truth that I am the creator.

Speaker 1:

I take 100% responsibility for everything that comes into my field of experience, even if, consciously, I don't get why it's there. I don't like it. I'm still, on some level, going to be like I don't know why, but I take responsibility for this. I brought this into my experience for some reason. So let me look at it innocently, not with judgment. What's wrong with me? Why did I do this? This isn't fair. Let me look innocently. Huh, why is this here? Why might this be here? When I say might, it lets me kind of dream about possibilities. It opens me up to not getting the right answer, because so many of us want to get it right and get the right answer and be the good student. No, why might this be here? I don't know. Now, it frees me up to brainstorm and just be open to oh, it's here because it's teaching me this, or maybe it's here for this.

Speaker 1:

When I coach people, that's you know, so often people are like well, I don't know why. You know, I don't know this. And I said, well, what if you did know? What might be one reason why this is in your life? And they're like well, it might be this. And it's always the, it's almost like 90% of the time, it's always the very first thing. It might be this, it always is that thing. But it frees up their mind when they say might or maybe, instead of oh, it has to be, I got to get it right. So, anyways, crying out to be won't do it. Reading a thousand holy books won't do it. One thing, and one thing only, will bring you into the transformation that you've sought. You're seeking it, you're desiring it the willingness to abide where you are differently, the willingness, just a willingness. You don't have to know necessarily how, but if you're willing to, the way will be made, shown to you. And then you've got to take advantage of it to think differently, to act differently.

Speaker 1:

Jeshua continues begin again with the simple exercise of reminding yourself that, in truth, you are unlimited spirit, abiding in all dimensions. All extraordinary abilities are already inherent. They're already inherent in your consciousness. For if they were not, it would mean that God creates with inequality and the in is in italics with inequality. Your egoic mind might respond, quote Well, you were born with that gift, but I don't have it. So Jeshua is reminding us again and again and again, with a simple truth this is who I am. You are unlimited spirit, abiding in all dimensions. This doesn't make sense to our thinking mind. Let's just accept that. And what if this is true? What if Jeshua's saying is true Holy smokes, what is possible? And I'll just go back to the exercise from this section where Jeshua says it's a simple exercise.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment and, within your consciousness, drop this simple pebble, think this simple thought and feel it. I'm not what I have perceived myself to be. I am unlimited, pure spirit, and nothing is unavailable to me. Are spirit and nothing is unavailable to me. Therefore, in this moment, I choose to open access to other dimensions of experience, so that I might call this moment to me in a different way.

Speaker 1:

I remember going back to lesson nine, because that's what we're in right now, in the Living the Way Mastery year-long course, where we do a lesson a month. And in lesson nine, jeshua introduces the five-minute meditation Five minutes of meditating as a Christ, where you take 100 percent responsibility for everything you're experiencing, all your thoughts, all your feelings. He's like, hey, if you want to get crazy he doesn't say crazy, but I'm kind of making a joke you want to get crazy? You can even, you know, spend five minutes as a Christ, because that's what you are. And I decided to spend my time in meditation in this way, opening to all kinds of different visions and different dimensions that I couldn't even explain when I was a teenager in I think it was Galilee meditating.

Speaker 1:

I saw myself doing this right now, the technologies that exist right now. My teenager brain back then couldn't even comprehend it, but I was open to communicating and receiving information and connecting to all dimensions All times. It's all happening now. Right, the physicists that are kind of talking about this universe being a hologram? There's no time. It's all happening now, from different perceptions and perspectives.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, jeshua is inviting us back. Just keep reminding yourself I am unlimited spirit, abiding in all dimensions. There's more than meets the eye. Transformers more than meets the eye. I grew up in the 80s so the Transformers was a big cartoon for me and you can't forget that song Transformers more than meets the eye.

Speaker 1:

So that's what jeshua is inviting us into to be a transformer of consciousness, all extraordinary abilities that are already inherent in your consciousness. They're all there. You have access to them all now. You might not be able to access them right now, or it seems like you might not be able to, and that's okay. That's why we're practicing.

Speaker 1:

But if you didn't have these extraordinary abilities already within you, it would mean that God creates with inequality. And of course Jeshua is saying and it makes sense that he would be saying God does not create with inequality, god creates all things from God, equally of God a wave in the ocean of love. The wave has all the properties of the ocean. You are made in the image and likeness of the creator. Your egoic mind is going to respond well, you've got that gift. Joshua or someone else has that gift, but I don't have it. I know my wife has incredible gifts that and so OK. So my wife has incredible gifts that I don't seem to have right now, and in the beginning of kind of our healing journeys, I would think of her as special and different and better than me. Oh my gosh. She can see things, she can hear things, she can sense things that, like what I don't, I can't. It's just like she can, I can't and I would judge myself.

Speaker 1:

And then I started first to ask myself well, what if I had gifts too? It doesn't seem like I have gifts, but what if I do? What might my gifts be? And then I started to open up to well, one of my gifts is I could sit and be with anyone in total love and compassion. They could say anything, and I have no judgment for them. They could say they murdered someone. They could say they were in prison. They could say they cheated on something. They could say whatever, they would say Whatever. Oh, I was molested by my parents. I was this, I was that, and I wouldn't move into sympathy, I wouldn't feel bad for them and I wouldn't judge them. I would just sit them and see their loving essence. I will, I do, that's what I do in my work. That's such a gift, that's an ability, an extraordinary ability, and it wasn't very practiced.

Speaker 1:

So it's like some of us are born with these things as already kind of developed or open to us and other things we have to practice. So I started to ask myself well, what are my gifts? And oh, I used to think, am I making this up all the time? And then I started to accept well, maybe I'm not making it up, maybe I'm. I don't. I don't like the Claire's, cause they sound special. Again, it's like oh, you're clairvoyant, you're clairsentient, you're, we all have those things. So these labels get put on people. But you are clairvoyant, you are clairsentient, you have all the Claire's. It might not be as developed, but we all have it. It's inherent in your being, it's inherent in our design as a consciousness of God. So when I kind of got out of this they have it, I don't, and this is the label and it's special and I don't have that I was able to access and start to experience different things and I could hear things or I would trust what I was hearing. Maybe that's more accurate. I would trust what I was seeing with my inner eye, not my eyeballs. More accurate, I would trust what I was seeing with my inner eye, not my eyeballs. And I'm still developing these things to this day.

Speaker 1:

And in our Revelation, Breathwork, facilitator, healing training, we support and teach other people who are called to this work of facilitating healing, because you don't do the healing, only love heals. The first we have a whole section in common mistakes that facilitators make, not just in breathwork, in anything. Coaches, healers of Reiki or doctors, medical doctors, whatever it is, reiki, or doctors, medical doctors, whatever it is. And the first common mistake facilitators make in our training is that, comparing yourself to other healers, oh, they have certain gifts that I don't have. Look at them, they're better, they're different, they're more special and I'm not as good as them or I'll never have that ability. They've got that ability. They're just gifted by God with that, and I don't have it, and one that's specialness. You're comparing and saying they have it, I don't. But we're also really in the comparing, making them better or more in some way.

Speaker 1:

And what Jeshua is saying is we all have it, it's inherent in your very being. Now it may not be developed or you may not realize that you have it, but it's in there, it's part of there, and the more you're willing to believe it and practice it and be open to the idea, you're going to experience it more and more and more. So, last section he says no, god creates his beloved son and the sonship is made up of each. The only difference in the field of time is that it appears that some have accessed and cultivated their inherent abilities more so than have others. So this is what we've been saying, is what Jeshua is saying. It only appears that way. God only creates an extension of itself which is whole, which is the same thing. It's all water making waves. No wave is less made up of water than another.

Speaker 1:

So any being that comes into your field of awareness, that you see if all of a sudden you come across a person that has incredible, what you would call incredible healing abilities. They can really see things that the eyes can't see, and I don't see them, but they can. If that's in your awareness, like it's happening. You came across it on Instagram, you saw it personally, you heard about it on the news. It's coming into your consciousness because on some level it's there to remind you. If they have it, I've got it. Otherwise it wouldn't even come into your consciousness. These things and more ye shall do, jesus said in the Bible, and it only appears in the field of time. It only appears that way, from one limited perspective, that they have accessed and cultivated some inherent ability more than you have.

Speaker 1:

So this is the good news. Let's just start with the truth. You can do this. This is a part of you and let's develop it. The more you believe, the more it starts coming to your experience. Love you guys. Thanks for being on this journey. If you get value from the podcast, like, subscribe, share. If you want information on our year-long Living the Way of Mastery program, check it out in the show notes and, yeah, share this with somebody that you care about. That you think would get value from it that you thought of. Maybe they popped into your awareness when you were listening. And send me an email hello at revelationbreathworkcom, and I'll reply back saying hey, all right, love.

The Way of Mastery
The Power of Internal Commitment
Transformation Through Self-Realization
Unlocking Your Healing Abilities