Voices For Suicide Prevention

Take off the mask that is 'Midwest niceness'

Scott Light

By no means are we saying, 'don't be nice'.   Of course not.  But for our latest episode dedicated to youth mental health, you'll hear from a man whose family name is associated with comedic genius and tragic heartbreak.   Tom Farley is also a Midwesterner through and through so you'll have to stay tuned and hear his 'Midwestern mask' comment for yourself.    Tom has toured the country for years talking to young people about addiction and mental health.  He's a father, writer, entertainer and brother to the late Chris Farley of SNL and movie fame.  Also joining us is Dr. Sarah Denny from Nationwide Children's Hospital, The Ohio State University and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  She brings her clinical and medical expertise plus advice and even her insecurities to the conversation as a mother of teenagers.    Sarah and Tom also talk with host, Scott Light, about finding outlets:  whether creative, athletic, quiet or whatever outlet you may need and want.  Just find it.  Even for a few minutes a day.