Audio-Relay : by Plasmaglyphs

Dr. Francis Boyle on Flashpoint March 11, 2022

March 14, 2022 Plasmaglyphs

Following  the UN Security Council meeting, which Russia requestd to address evidence of U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine , Dr. Boyle gave this powerful interview..

"There is no moral or national security justification for this kind of project", 
says former CIA analyst Larry Johnson, while commenting on the suspected US 
biowarfare programme in Ukraine. "This now explains, at least to me, why the United States was so insistent on provoking this war with Russia. Covering up a bioweapons program is almost impossible. My country is proving to be an international outlaw"

 an influential political group Victoria Nuland is tied with, had long flirted with the idea of biological warfare weapons which could target specific genotypes and be used as a "politically useful tool". 
According to Boyle, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a US major neocon think tank, openly discussed that in their manifesto "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (2000), cited by the academic in his book "Biowarfare and Terrorism" (2005).
