Audio-Relay : by Plasmaglyphs

Col. John Mills Blows the Whistle on CIA & FBI Directors conspiracy against trump. Pt.1

April 05, 2022 Plasmaglyphs

Playing at faster speed than original..

Col. John Mills Blows the Whistle on CIA & FBI Directors conspiracy against trump.

April 4th, 2022 on WVWTV with Brannon Howse Col. John Mills Whistle Blew on the False Collusion story fabricated by Brenan & Comey...  
Hear the broadcast and watch for a transcript as mention in the early part of the broadcast.  t=36min

Col. John Mills Gives Eyewitness Testimony on CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey Attempting to Impede President-Elect Trump From Being Sworn In. | Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network