Audio-Relay : by Plasmaglyphs

Covid-Care Panel w/ Sen. Ron Johnson & EXPERTS -- segment 13 -- Failure of Standardized Medicine

Plasmaglyphs Season 1 Episode 0

(some audio gap)
Covid-Care Panel w/ Sen. Ron Johnson &   EXPERTS -- segment 13 -- Failure of Standardized Medicine,,,   Dr. Kory provides examples, as does a Nurse from Texas.
Standardized Medicine,,, having taken root in years prior to Covid,, is at the heart of all the covid deaths,, harms to US economy and lives of far too many..
The totalitarian approach to medicine has killed thousands..

COVID-19: A Second Opinion Panel -- Sen. Ron Johnson moderates panel 
discussion with world-renowned doctors and medical experts,,,
not the (the Rockefeller perversion - Death-Care by pharma-captured 
puppets using standardized medicine to manipulate their profit margin at the 
expense of your health... 
 5 hr. video through Rumble,,  if the player loads.. (40min standby gap)

More audio file coming 
