Audio-Relay : by Plasmaglyphs

Covid-Care Panel -- w/ Sen. Ron Johnson & Medical EXPERTS -- Highlights -- Part 3of3

Plasmaglyphs Season 2 Episode 3

 Covid-Care Panel -- w/ Sen. Ron Johnson & Medical EXPERTS & victims -- Highlights -- Part 3 of 3
 (Dr. Kory through Imaged host, Sen. Ron Johnson )

COVID-19: A Second Opinion Covid-care Panel  -- highlights 38 minutes.
Direct from Sen Ron. Johnson 

COVID-19: A Second Opinion Panel -- Sen. Ron Johnson moderates panel 
discussion with world-renowned doctors and medical experts,,,
not the the Rockefeller perversions - Death-Care by pharma-captured puppets using standardized medicine to manipulate their profit margin at the expense of your health... 

More audio file at: