Audio-Relay : by Plasmaglyphs

Covid-Vax & Concerns on Reproductive Health,, Pregnant Women, Children & their Children

January 28, 2022 Plasmaglyphs

Covid-Vax & Concerns on Reproductive Health,, Pregnant Women, Children & their Children.
Sen. Ron Johnson's  covid-response panel get into detailed concerns about mRNA injection of pregnant  women.. 
Many reports of adverse consequences including menstrual cycles,, which is an indication that the technology is getting to the ovaries  and that raises serious concern about reproductive health  in the children...
---CDC claims COVID-19 vaccines to be safe in pregnant women--
BUT THAT COMPLETELY CONTRADICTS WARNING SIGNS that have come from reports by women, & the concerns expressed by developer of mRNA technology.

at 4hrs 30min Dr. Malone Warns of harm
Full panel hearing
