Audio-Relay : by Plasmaglyphs

USPS Representative Verifies Details of Ruse-Package Scheme part 1


Middle part of conversation with USPS representative discussing a Ruse-Package sent by a seller who provided me with the tracking number  but did not disclose the address used..  Ebay claims he printed out a lebel from them which should have shown the address associated with the purchase on ebay...
The seller did not provide this tracking number until several days after the item was claimed to be shipped.. The seller said in a message dated the 26th,,, 5 days after the purchase:

"New message from: business-deal00 (139)
|  | Hello Dear Buyer

I am doing my best to provide outstanding services to my valuable Customers.
However, I have really shipped your item but there is an issue in tracking due to uncontrolled reasons for the logistics company. It's a very very Rare mistake and the same is the case with this order. I am in a contact with USPS. They said your item will be deliver on 4 to 5 Aug. i will update you regarding tracking once i receive the legit tracking number. Please cooperate with me . Hope you can understand. Please accept my apologies

The seller should have had a valid tracking number available upon printing the label provided by Ebay,, and that should have been availabe on the day that Ebay reported tthe item as shipped,,, which was the 21th of July..

Additional audio files from this and other calls to the Post Office are available and they further identify details of the package and tracking number...

part 1

part 2

part 3

These three clips of discussion with USPS Inspector Services provide all the information to validate my claim,,, but on Monday i will try to get a signed statement from the carrier that he did not deliver a 54 lb package on or after July 28th...  

Additional discussions to be added if necessary,,,, as a result of being in the appeal process after Ebay denied the request for a refund on an "item not delivered."