Terrain Theory
Terrain Theory is hosted by Ben Hardy and Mike Merenda, two childhood friends on a journey to tear down the old fear-based germ theory paradigm and usher in a better, brighter approach to health and wellness. Discover interviews with guests from the alternative medicine space and find inspiration in real-life stories of Terrain Transformations. Reclaim agency and discover methods both old and new to improve and optimize your health and your terrain. You are your primary healthcare provider.
Terrain Theory
Nick Franks on radionics, vibrational medicine, and black magic attacks
February 25, 2024
Season 3
Episode 107
Nick Franks is a radionics practitioner based in the UK and author of 21st Century Radionics: New Horizons in Vibrational Medicine. In this conversation with Nick we discuss:
- How radionics works to heal people remotely
- The tools that a radionics practitioner uses
- What a typical radionics session looks like
- The origins of radionics
- Quantum physics and using radionics to change one's reality
- Protecting from black magic attacks
...and more!
Learn more about Nick's work and radionics at his website or order his book.
Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.
If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.
Learn more at www.terraintheory.net.
Music by Chris Merenda