Tobacco Endgame Matters
TEM is created and produced by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Advancing Momentum for a Tobacco-Free California. The podcast is dedicated to conversations focused on how we can achieve and plan for a tobacco-free California using policy and people power. In each episode, we'll engage subject matter experts to discuss niche topics within tobacco control and highlight California-specific progress and the opportunities they offer advocates.Host(s): Saoimanu Sope & Carol Maytum. Learn more about ASH CA at endtobaccoca.ash.org
Tobacco Endgame Matters
The Truth about the Tobacco Industry's Influence ft. Truth Initiative CEO and Youth Ambassador
Season 1
Episode 11
In this episode, Robin Koval, Truth Initiative CEO and President, and Jordan Watkins, Truth ambassador and doctoral student at the University of Alabama, join ASH's Policy Director, Chris Bostic, for a conversation about Truth Initiative’s new position paper, Gamechanger: Shifting from Tobacco Control to Ending the Industry’s Influence for Good. They also get into detail about realistic goals for Endgame and impacts on communities most affected by the tobacco industry.