Women Led Production Companies
Media & Monuments
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Media & Monuments
Women Led Production Companies
May 29, 2022 Season 1 Episode 13
Women in Film and Video (DC)

Female representation, in front of and behind the camera, is still disproportionately lower than it should be. However, more and more women are taking control of the entire process of production, making strides in representation. One way that women’s voices and perspectives are gaining ground is with women-run production companies. In this episode, we profile two full-service, mission-driven companies with women at the helm.

Host Candice Bloch gets to know more about FLOWSTATE Films, based in the Washington, DC area, by chatting with all three founders, Rachell Shapiro, Leola Calzolai-Stewart, and Kiley Kraskouskas. To learn more about FLOWSTATE, visit: http://www.flowstatefilms.com/

After that is Root Branch Media Group, a certified African American and woman owned production firm based in Maryland. Candice sits down with founder, Vonnya Pettigrew to discuss the company’s journey and services. For more information about Root Branch, visit: https://rootbranchmediagroup.com/

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