Pathways with Amber Stitt

Focus On Money: Unveiling Elite Business Strategies with Joe Rockey

Amber Stitt

🎙️ Welcome to The Amber Stitt Show - Where conversations ignite change! 🎙️

Join host Amber Stitt as she dives deep into the art of sales, business management, and personal growth with the founder of Elite Business Conversations, Joe Rockey. Tune in to redefine your mindset about sales and understand the impact of human connection in the business world.

In this episode, we tackle the challenges and misconceptions of the sales industry, the integration of AI, and the essential human skills necessary for success. Joe Rockey brings his expertise in reshaping business strategies and management, ensuring that businesses thrive for the long term.

🔑 Key Highlights:

- Removing the stigma surrounding the sales profession

- Harnessing the innate ability to connect with others for sales success

- Adapting businesses to modern communication methods

- Empowering employees through creative solutions and flexible roles

- Strategies for successful business transitions and retirement planning

- Importance of continuous learning and community building

- Insights on leadership, delegation, and scaling business operations

- Joe Rockey’s insights from his book, "Casino Sales Master: Winning Strategies for Beating the Odds in Sales and Life," and his sales training services

📖 What you'll learn:

- How to shift your perspective and embrace sales as a positive force

- Practical advice on maintaining the human touch amidst technological advancements

- Tips for personal and ethical growth within the sales industry

- The benefits of investing in oneself and seeking mentorship

- How to navigate the complexities of business ownership and management

📚 Resources:

Joe Rockey's Book: "Casino Sales Master: Winning Strategies for Beating the Odds in Sales and Life" --

Elite Business Conversations:

Joe's LinkedIn:

👉 Don't miss this enlightening conversation with Joe Rockey on The Amber Stitt Show. Embrace the change, connect deeply, and unlock the potential in your personal and professional life!

📅 Date of Release: February 6th, 2024

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Thank you for joining us on this journey of transformation and discovery. Stay curious, and until next time, keep igniting change!

#TheAmberStittShow #JoeRockey #SalesMindset #StittStrategies #BusinessGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #EliteBusinessConversations

Amber [00:00:00]:
Hello and welcome to The Amber Stitt Show. I am your host, Amber Stitt, and today we welcome Joe Rockey to the show, the founder of Elite Business Conversations. Welcome, Joe.

Joe Rockey [00:00:11]:
Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm very excited.

Amber [00:00:12]:
Well, I'm excited to have you here because I need your help. I feel that a lot of people are scared of sales and there's a stigma behind sales, and we kind of need to shake that up a bit and make people see it differently. What do you think?

Joe Rockey [00:00:25]:
Well, you're 100% right. I mean, there's just no way around that. On the one hand, sales is single handedly the tool that we all can do. That as a profession can get us more dollar and cents wealth than basically any other industry on the planet. And make no doubt that sales is its own industry. I want to make that clear. It doesn't matter what you're selling: cars, computer equipment, hedge funds, it doesn't matter.

Joe Rockey [00:00:49]:
Sales is its own industry. And then the product is kind of transparent. But as long as you have something you believe in and you have innate human abilities, which you do, because you're a person, you can be successful at sales. But the problem is so many people are stuck in this mindset of selling horribly as a remnant of the past, and it's stuck with us our whole lives. And this is why when we have things, like when the first time I see a salesperson, what's the first thing we all do? We lie, "Oh, I'm not here on this car dealership to look at a car."

Amber [00:01:22]:
"Don't worry about me, don't talk to me into the store."

Joe Rockey [00:01:24]:
And then maybe I'll try to pull your price out of you. But I'm not going to commit to anything, and then I'm going to disappear if I don't like it. And I'm going to use the salesperson. No power. So what happened as a result of that? Salespeople in the 60's became very pressurey and forcing you into, "You're not leaving until you get this car." Well, here we are in the modern world where we don't need to do that anymore as buyers. We can go onto Amazon or any other website where I don't need to talk to anyone, where at least it's a neutral experience and I can avoid the negative thing. But all of us have as buyers, because we all are buyers,

Joe Rockey [00:02:01]:
been taught salespeople are bad. We lie to them. It's okay to lie to them. I mean, who else in our life is it ok that we lied to? Salespeople you're expected to. So when you say that there's a stigma and all that, it's 100% true. And it's mostly because sales have been done wrong for so long. And in my perspective, it's one of my great things about AI taking over, because the way you actually sell correctly is through human relations and AI will never be able to do that.

Amber [00:02:28]:
I love that. Oh, Joe, we got to stop there because I've been saying for the last, I don't know, six months as I've been working on different projects, and it's just people are worried about it and we've seen almost every generation, different industries. We're like, "Oh, I'm not going to update and have a website or a blog, a podcast. No." And I work with a lot of older partners that really don't want to innovate because they're on their way out to succession planning and they are not really going to, but they want this legacy. And if you have clients and they have grandchildren, you have to at least be available to be found online. You probably need testimonials and other things, but lean into the AI and become more efficient. Let's not be scared of it.

Amber [00:03:04]:
But any of us that want to stand out and shine in the world, having that human connection, that is key. And so communication, branding, even if you're an employee, not a business owner, a lot of clients of mine are physicians. They don't want to be business owners. Sometimes they work with the health system. But I know that you've been on podcasts with physicians that do financial freedom talks and different things where you can still be on your own and have an entrepreneurial path that can generate other passive income, but you got to be able to talk and speak to people and communicate and that sales, my gosh, it's scary, right? But you got to just keep working on that is where I'm really finding that just in the last five plus years of being a business owner myself.

Joe Rockey [00:03:44]:
Yeah, I mean, it's absolutely, if you can't connect to people, you're kind of in trouble. But here's the thing, we all can do that from birth. We all have this skill set in each of us. The problem is that throughout life, gradual ways we try to explore how do I connect with people? Some of them get tampered on, or if you think of yourself as a tree, that limb gets cut off and we get scared and we don't want to do it. And billions of different examples we can think of our lives about, "Oh, I'm never going to do that, again. Or, I can't do that." But there's many, many more that happened before your mind was an adult, that you got told not to do this and you still have that remnant pain somewhere inside your head that you don't want to act this way or I don't want to speak up, or whatever the case may be.

Amber [00:04:26]:
That didn't feel good.

Joe Rockey [00:04:27]:
Yeah, but the reality is that if you don't do your job, you're ending up hurting them. So you really do need to do it to help them. Because when sales are done correctly, I have a product that I believe in. I know it's going to help you. And by you exchanging resources, paying me, I'm going to be able to give it to the next person and the next person and next person. And that's the definition of a business, by the way. So if the salespeople aren't there, it's not going to work. They are by far the most important industry and part of any business.

Joe Rockey [00:04:58]:
It's just the way it is. So I absolutely love it and I absolutely love teaching people and motivating people to go do this now. It's not easy. I'm not going to try to say it is. You need to simultaneously be able to handle everything along the pathway. That starts with figuring out how to get clients not to lie to you, even though they've been bred to do that since they were three, all the way to becoming connected with them, that I know what's really going on in your world. So when you're talking to a grandparent, why are they saving this money? Why am I taking this money instead of going on a cruise with my kids now and giving it to you? Well, you need to be able to get to that real space with them. That's an incredibly personal conversation.

Joe Rockey [00:05:35]:
I need to be able to find out what your real budget is, so I know if you actually can afford me. And I need to find out how to make decisions. All of those things people just brush off, like, we'll just kind of fall into it and it'll just kind of work out because they're going to be forced to do it and they're going to go my way, and that's not the way the world's going anymore. Now, yeah, there are certain commonalities that as you do this long enough, you'll see the similarities. But if you can figure out the truth behind all this, how to connect with someone quickly, how to get real answers, how to make them think of you as the go to answer, that's when you're doing sales correctly. We all have it. It's just we don't know we have it, or allow ourselves to do it. And you need to be taught, obviously.

Joe Rockey [00:06:12]:
It's that kind of workout troll, you want to run faster, work out. This is the same thing.

Amber [00:06:16]:
Yeah. And I think when you're talking about, oh, if you reflect back on life, you're like, I probably can't do this or don't want to because of a previous experience. And maybe it's not super obvious, but those are just experiences and it's just helping you layer up to the next level. So it's data that we can use for the next time, but we have to have the courage to keep moving forward. So, yeah, I mean, I think you're right about, it's like an ethical duty to bring that and you shouldn't be embarrassed about it, but doing it the right way and really meeting with somebody and working with people that you enjoy working with, for anybody that's working on or for anybody that's buying something from somebody, it is okay to, like, you talked about Amazon. I'm on Target & Amazon right now, this time of year, like for my daughter's birthday. Okay. So of course I'm shopping around.

Amber [00:07:01]:
But when we're talking about more specific, that element of that communication, work with somebody that you enjoy working with. And maybe you do need to check with one to two to three people, but really tell them what you need and then see who's giving you that proper relationship for moving into the future. And you mentioned something about almost like you're getting advice and there's an exchange of payment. It's very interesting that people tend to not want to pay for things, yet they will pay for an attorney sometimes because you have to, or you'll pay for tax advice sometimes because you have to file. But paying for other things in other arenas can be very interesting. And people say, "Oh, I can't afford that." But I think you could agree that even personal development and paying to invest in yourself for additional coaching, it's a game changer. So it's kind of interesting.

Amber [00:07:43]:
I wasn't even thinking about this when I was thinking about our talk today, but sometimes you have to spend some money to then have this thing that you need. And it's just funny how humans can be like and be very picky about paying for being an expert and getting expert advice. And if we study business people that are successful, they'll have a team of experts that they pay for different things. And so let's talk about what you do and with what your company does. And I want to also speak to you what your new book is about. So do you want to head there for a little bit?

Joe Rockey [00:08:15]:
So let's hit on that part first because, yes, it's obviously important to pay for things we're required to do. I mean, we have to pay our taxes, blah, blah, blah. We pay to get our car inspected. We know we have to do this stuff. But if you don't invest upon yourself, you don't get better. So that's a fact. And to give one other nugget before I get into exactly what it is that we do here, when you're entering into that point of working with people you want to work with, you also have to allow yourself the freedom of saying, this isn't a good fit, I'm out. We're not moving forward anymore.

Joe Rockey [00:08:44]:
And if your business system you're at, whether as an employee or a business you're creating, does not allow that freedom, you're eventually going to destroy everything. You just haven't realized it yet. Because a prospect that's not meant to fit in your system is going to come through, you're going to over cater and you're going to hinder your efficiency across the board. So it's a very simple empowerment of your people. Sometimes it's an empowerment of yourself to say, "You know what, I don't want to have a second date with you." And that's okay.

Amber [00:09:10]:
Putting some boundaries on it and not just taking any client, is that what you mean? Or even vice versa.

Joe Rockey [00:09:15]:
And then also saying, you're no longer a client of mine.

Amber [00:09:18]:
I know some people get worried about that, but if you are not interested in that client, you're not going to look forward to helping them. And it just work stops being fun.

Joe Rockey [00:09:27]:
Exactly. That's one of the main things. It becomes all of these extra costs that we don't think about, really bury it in. And if we all can think about this, where places we were employed at. There are so many more features that go into, "Am I going to work here?" more than what that dollar and cents paycheck is. It's essentially a math equation. The crap I have to deal with now, you have to pay me more, so I have to deal with it. Or, I love being here, so I'll accept less money because I have freedom, power, and I get to do it the way I want.

Joe Rockey [00:09:54]:
And it's really one of the things that my clients get from me is how to have a better culture and pay less for it. It's remarkable. So to answer your question about what it is that we do here at Elite Business Conversations, essentially we answer three major problems and a gajillion subsets of these. But the first is those business owners that are feeling the pain and the restriction and all of the pressure in the world from not knowing where the next paycheck is coming from and the next source of revenue. It's debilitating. It is anxiety ridden. All those negative things that people feel, at Elite Business Conversations, we solve that problem. The next group we help is, which I just alluded to here, are those managers and business owners that look around, "Why am I paying these people? I don't know what they're doing.

Joe Rockey [00:10:43]:
They don't know what I'm doing and what's going on?" Why? So what we do, we're obviously a consulting firm. We give answers that are simple enough that will be accepted and be able to be implemented, but yet detailed enough that you're basically not going to be able to make a mistake well after the fact that we're gone. So this isn't just like having a consultant here. The problem gets fixed for 10 minutes and then they leave. And then, oh, the problem comes back. We actually put permanent solutions in effect.

Joe Rockey [00:11:14]:
And the group that we help the most, and I think I get the most personal joy from helping, is those group of business owners that just heard those previous two sentences, and they feel regret in their hearts because they would rather walk away from the business than keep it going. They'd rather just have it dissolve.

Amber [00:11:31]:
Talk about that. What do you mean?

Joe Rockey [00:11:33]:
Well, I mean, at the end of the day, I've been working at this mechanics place since 1994, and I'm ready to retire. My kids don't want it, so it's closed. And that's what I feel like doing. And as the business owner, there's nothing wrong with moving on to the next chapter, going on vacation, taking a new business.

Amber [00:11:48]:
Okay, so you're bringing clarity to some choices that it's okay to package it up, close it down, and move on to the next, whatever it could be for that person, that owner.

Joe Rockey [00:11:57]:
Yeah, well, they can move on to the next stage. The end result, what we're trying to do is honor their sacrifices, because in the process of building that business, there has been sacrifices made, personally, professionally, and the inner circle of that person's life has felt that. And if you just turn it off because your kids don't want it, in a way it's disheartening to the sacrifice you made there.

Amber [00:12:18]:
Oh, I mean, it could be. There's a grieving process. It could be really hard.

Joe Rockey [00:12:22]:
And not to mention to your clients and your employees who would just lose a job because you want to retire. And what we do is we help the business live on without you, essentially, whether that be you're still an owner, or not. That part really isn't the relevant part. The part is the legacy of the sacrifices will not die in vain, and the business will live on. And there's very few companies that actually do what we do. Merging the two problems.

Amber [00:12:48]:
Yeah, I think you're right.

Joe Rockey [00:12:49]:
Fix the business, and then, if necessary, we will find a new buyer for it. Most people do one, or the other. We'll fix it up and we'll be a consultant firm and we'll leave, or we'll put a for sale sign in front of it and someone will buy it. But very few merge the two together. And that's one of the things that we do at Elite Business Conversations. And the majority of people that actually call us are not the business owner. They're typically the daughter, or the wife of the business owner that says, dad needs to leave like, he's done.

Amber [00:13:14]:
Okay. What you're giving is perspective. And again, third party mediator. I even had to bring in an interior designer into the house at some point because my husband and I could not agree on. I mean, I was right. He was not. But I needed to be sure we have a third party. What you're bringing in is resilience in the fact of, like, there's conflict there.

Amber [00:13:36]:
They can get advice that's just completely agnostic. And it's just following a framework that, you know, that works. So I love that you're bringing that in.

Joe Rockey [00:13:44]:
There's no way around that.

Amber [00:13:45]:
Yeah. And it's a neat thing. And I really work on that, too, because it could be pretty heated. I mean, if the daughter's calling you, there's probably some things happening. But if you can work on that in advance and really feel clear headed and go, okay, these are things that are coming up in the next three to five years. Have the conversations and start building in those legacy plans, but do some of the work early, then that can help some of that fire drill. That can happen. But it sounds like either way, your team can help with both aspects.

Joe Rockey [00:14:14]:
Yeah, we've come in at all spots of it. We've come in with, dad just had a heart attack. I'm not letting him go back. So that was zero preparation. We just showed up on the ground, took it off running to, "You know what? I want to retire. I don't even know how to. I've been making amazing bread forever. I have no idea how to sell the bacon."

Joe Rockey [00:14:32]:
That's reality.

Amber [00:14:33]:
When you're not performing and you're used to going, going and then stopping. Like vacation is one thing, but you know you're going back in. Some people thrive off that, and obviously entrepreneurs...

Joe Rockey [00:14:43]:
I'm glad you brought that up. That's one of the most important parts of our system. There is a minimum of a three week process where the owner has no connection with the business.

Amber [00:14:51]:

Joe Rockey [00:14:53]:
How do you handle being retired is essentially how the question gets asked. And during that time, obviously, we're stress testing the business, making sure it's going to work and the new management team is successful and all that. But it's really from the business owner's perspective, what does retirement look like? Or I'm glad we're going to have a nice chunk of money here, but I need to have another hobby, or something. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's something to ease you into the next step, because you are right. It is such a stark difference from waking up at three in the morning every morning to go make bread, to have my bakery be successful, to I get to sleep in. I don't have to be up before the sunrise. You just go through all the body changes. We can barely handle hour shift and we're fighting about daylight savings times now, let alone now

Joe Rockey [00:15:41]:
I'm at home all the time. I see my family, my dogs, all this. It's different.

Amber [00:15:46]:
"Who are these people that live in my house? Right? I have to see these people all the time." Covid changed that for people. I see you every day and I have to be okay with that. We had some space before. No, I love that because I work within disability insurance and I've talked with attorneys that they have to be told to stop medically. They have some problems and they don't know how to just stop working, but they need to because it's not safe for anybody. So when it comes to an owner, like going through that trial period, I love that because they have to get through that transition period. But if you stay too long, that's not good.

Amber [00:16:22]:
If you stay too long without a plan. I've seen that in my industry.

Joe Rockey [00:16:27]:
And what happens to a lot of people, and this is natural for small business owners. Right. It's so hard to make it up and running. So you just get in that mindset of, I've got to win today, I got to win today. I got to win today and win today. And then you wake up, it's 30 years later because you were just such ingrained where if I didn't win today, I didn't have money, I wasn't able to pay for dinner. And that's part of life. And I get that.

Joe Rockey [00:16:48]:
That's real for all of us, especially when you're living 100% commission lifestyle. But the thing is to go back to your first point. How do I reinvest in either myself, or the business, depending upon the situation, to be able to make it that I can have a final solution where I get to enjoy this rather than grinding myself into oblivion?

Amber [00:17:07]:
Well, we talk about on my podcast, focusing on talents, and I think that you're always needing to work on that, really because of what you're talking about. I'm in my 40's, and I see people that are 20 years older than I in my industry, and they just don't know what the next step is and how they're going to plug in. Have you ever heard people say, "I can't believe you're on a podcast? Why do you do that?" Some people don't understand why we're building a network, Joe, and just out there building a community. Because you and I are going to need them one day and vice versa. It's so important because of changes and shifts and pivots and maybe the new thing that we need to fulfill and put into our lives. And so I think it's a constant work in progress that's important.

Joe Rockey [00:17:44]:
I know when I started mine in '17, I had none of this technology like a noise canceling mic and all this, none of that. I didn't even really know how to talk well. And now I'm on stages giving keynote addresses and, yeah, was it annoying to learn how to edit? Do I really need to know how to do that whenever I'm helping someone transition their business? No, but it's a good skill set to have being used to talking in front of people without stuttering and saying and being all those other annoying audio cues that you hear, the filler words. Yes, there's....

Amber [00:18:19]:
They're going to come now. They're going to just go bloop and they're going to pop in. Hopefully not keep them out.

Joe Rockey [00:18:23]:
Well, that's exactly. We're going to say "and", and "like", and "totally" like 40 times from now on.

Amber [00:18:28]:
But that's the thing. When you're around people that are saying those things, I'll be in consultations sometimes and those will pop in. I say, "Who have I been around? Who brought that here?" Because it can fill in.

Joe Rockey [00:18:38]:
Well, I hope I didn't ruin it for your next...

Amber [00:18:40]:
No, but it made me think of one of my podcasts I had. She brought something up and then we couldn't help ourselves. We were laughing. But back to the AI. This is what I'm talking about. What you're saying is there's so many things we can do, even globally now. Sometimes it'll just pop up into our lives because of other things that we're doing. So don't underestimate the work.

Amber [00:19:00]:
Some of the things that solopreneurs are doing, we're like, just why? It's teaching us something. Before we can delegate out. You talked about the bakery, it's all you got to learn how to bake the bread, and then you can learn what you love to do about it and then delegate the rest. And that's one of the fourth steps on the pathways, is marketing and just innovation and keeping fresh with technology. It keeps us relevant, but I think it's going to give us longevity, too.

Joe Rockey [00:19:23]:
Yeah, the skill set will. I mean, there's no way around that. Even if you just look at your skill set, of being curious to learn new skills. I think that that's one of the important parts because you glossed over it in your answer right there. But it's so important. There is so many business owners out there that knew that they built it the way that they did. And by the personality type, that tends to be the type to take the risk to create the business. Only it kind of self regulates itself.

Joe Rockey [00:19:50]:
But there's lack of trusting someone else to do this. It's, "I know my way. My way works. You're doing it my way regardless of whether it's effective, efficient, or even good. This is what we're having." And this is part of how you get these old school legacy sales systems. Still horrorizing people today.

Amber [00:20:06]:
I have no idea what you're talking about. I know in financial services it's banking, institutional, all of that. I live in that world. I'm like, let's get modern people. Let's talk to people in ways they'd like to receive information, which is multiple ways. Not everyone's going to want to see your face. A lot of the young ones are not going to want to look you in the eye.

Amber [00:20:24]:
Get over it. It's okay. Have the ability to give them what they need and what they want.

Joe Rockey [00:20:28]:
That's exactly it. At the end of the day, though, there's still base requirements. We're fulfilling. We're just figuring out a different medium. Right. We're still connecting. We're making something that's personal to you just because it doesn't look the same way as it did for the last generation. That's okay.

Joe Rockey [00:20:44]:
Completely accurate analogy that every woman out here is going to understand. Think of the wedding dress you were in. Now think of the one your mother was in and the one that your grandmother was in. And tell me you wanted to be the same.

Amber [00:20:57]:
Yes. Okay. No, I do not want that dress. But I did not love my dress. You're bringing back some trauma. No, I could have picked a better dress, Joe, regardless.

Joe Rockey [00:21:08]:
Even your own dress.

Amber [00:21:10]:
Exactly. Yes, exactly. No, but that's a perfect analogy. I just think it's funny that you're bringing that. You know, you must know a female that would say the same thing.

Joe Rockey [00:21:20]:
Yes, many of them, quite frankly. It's real. I mean, why are we trying to force people in a way they don't want to be? It's stupid. Why do we do that? Obviously this conversation wasn't about management, but the exact same principles apply there. Why are we hiring and incentivizing people in a way that's not effective compared to what the world is now? And trying to put them in a model from the 60s, that's stupid.

Amber [00:21:46]:
Yeah. And that's where working on whatever personality assessment that works or what you maybe even if you don't believe in it. But if you can understand if someone's opposite of you. So let's just talk about a team. It might feel like a little conflict, but if you could adjust your thinking for a moment, think more like them. Put yourself in their shoes. There could be a way to just meet in the middle. But you have to think outside the box and be open minded for sure.

Joe Rockey [00:22:07]:
Just hit the management side, not to dive into, because it applies to sales too. We all have started driving through in this post Covid world and seeing that service at places like McDonald's isn't what it used to be. And the drive thru line is so much longer. So on the one hand, someone can make the observation, "Well, everyone just wants McDonald's," until you realize the line isn't moving. It's just they're stuck there because the drive through isn't going well. We can do the same old method of just paying everyone inside that building hourly and just have that. Or, we could say we're going to pay you x amount per order complete.

Amber [00:22:38]:

Joe Rockey [00:22:39]:
Guess what happens? You start paying them on the model of order complete. That line doesn't stay long. It starts moving rapidly and the overall sales in the building skyrocket. Are you paying more for individual wages? Hell yeah, you are. Are you making significantly more money? Yes. So why does it really matter? Have you ever looked at an income statement that says, what was your hourly rate or what was the net profit? What do you care more about?

Amber [00:23:05]:
Are you talking about those that require everyone to return to work?

Joe Rockey [00:23:08]:
This is not even required to work. It's how do you incentivize people and pay them appropriately? Because the incentive isn't sitting here for an hour. Because I'm going to get to the same paycheck regardless. Now I can control it. If people driving by see the line shorter, they're more likely to get in line, which means I'm now going to get paid for the order I just got done. And the next one.

Amber [00:23:25]:
I love that you say that.

Joe Rockey [00:23:26]:
It's just a rapid growth. It's empowering people. Again, going back to business owners that don't want to empower people, you are the problem.

Amber [00:23:33]:
There's a women's group that I'm a part of and a recruiter for one of...She's now on her own, she was within a bigger institution and they've designed, "Okay, you could have a base salary. You could be production only." Everyone knew what everyone made on purpose. And people could move from one model to the other within certain time frames. But it gave the newbie a chance that's maybe scared of sales to get their feet wet, but they might not make as much. The production ones just get paid like you're talking about.

Amber [00:24:01]:
Some of them thrive off that. Some of them just need some time to get used to that. They were the only team that I've ever heard of. I mean, I got thrown in, into the typical, you need to do this, you need to study for your securities licensing. You're going to do all five things to ten things. And I'm like, I want to do two things and niche down because these are the things that I like. And it was just so bizarre that it wasn't acceptable. So then that always pushes those people to go start my own thing, which I did.

Amber [00:24:27]:
But you can see if you're not going to create different bundles of packages of solutions and let people participate in that, be creative with it. It doesn't have to be just the way it used to be. So I appreciate you saying that.

Joe Rockey [00:24:40]:
Absolutely. It solves so many problems that people don't even realize because you actually will now write a job description that's specific. You get paid for this and this.

Amber [00:24:51]:
You're not hiring and confusing people like, "Okay, you're hired for this because this is the role. But then you're going to answer the phones. But you weren't told, you're going to have to be on the phones, you're going to be behind the scenes." But then owners a lot of times just drop these extra things and get upset that they're not amicable to the change. They weren't hired for that.

Joe Rockey [00:25:07]:
That's exactly it. So you're creating from a starting point, this is what we get compensated for. And then as managers, it's your job to make sure it's all lined up and going to go in the right direction. That piece "A" will connect with piece "B", et cetera. And you're not just making problems. That's a different issue. Yeah, but it makes so much. You have clarity now.

Joe Rockey [00:25:24]:
People who want to do that task are drawn to it. You're giving them the opportunity to control their income. And as a result, if everything is synergy and going the right way, every single person that's more successful is helping the entity overall. And yeah, obviously sales is a big component of that. But this, again, sorry, I turned from sales into management on you there.

Amber [00:25:43]:
No, but leadership, I mean, the salespeople have to perform for the leadership and there can be a disconnect there. So leaders literally need to delegate and scale, but they still need to be present and a part of the process.

Joe Rockey [00:25:55]:
And they need to trust their people.

Amber [00:25:56]:
Yeah. So, Joe, I'm going to link up ways for people to find you, but let's chat a little bit about where's the best way if people want to connect with you now. But then also let's get excited about how they can work with you in other ways, too. You have some things coming up.

Joe Rockey [00:26:09]:
Yeah. So obviously LinkedIn, you can connect with me there instantly. And then we have a lot of different ways depending upon your needs from us. So if you were looking for us to come in and help you from the whole enchilada, that's And I recognize up front that we are expensive. I get that. So what we did was we wrote a book about the question I get asked the most, "How can we make more money? How can I be successful in this game called sales?" And I wrote a book called "Casino Sales Master: Winning Strategies to Beat the Odds in Sales and Life". And what it was was using this sales system

Joe Rockey [00:26:44]:
I teach people that we've kind of talked about a little bit here in the most one sided sales arena on the planet, which is a casino floor everyone knows the house always wins. It's the way it is, so you can't go...I mean, a version of winning is I just didn't lose all my money. I mean, that's how people approach the casino work. Not only do I do it every single time I'm in a casino, this outlines how I did it from that specific context, but how it outlines to any person in sales. So it answers all of the questions that I've brought up. How do you get someone to trust you? How do you identify what your strengths are and what you should lean on? How do I figure out how to be in that person's world so they feel I was their best friend since they were three. All of this stuff we dive into all the way through them being happy to pay you and then wanting to find you again to pay you some more.

Joe Rockey [00:27:32]:
That is the system overall. It's the revenue side when we do revenue pipeline corrections, that's what this book is about. So the entry face, and then you can find me, obviously, there: And then the entry state for that is the price of a book, which is pretty negligible. And then as an in-between space, we did video coaching to dive deeper into depth about each of the individual policies there that you can either use for yourself. Training to become better, to become say, "Hey, I want a promotion. I'm going to go through this training and I'm going to be able to get it.

Joe Rockey [00:28:05]:
And not only get it, I might even jump a step."

Amber [00:28:07]:
Yeah, because you're giving variations based upon where people are. Because some people might already have a project lined up and they need maybe that "do it yourself" moment. But then as things can change and evolve, then they can plug in with you as needed. Because I know I've been there, too. So that's awesome.

Joe Rockey [00:28:22]:
Absolutely. That happens a lot where there's people that at the beginning they have more time than money, and that's fine. That's where we're at in our stage of our business. And then we get to the point where now we have money, but I have no time to do anything. Joe, just come and get your company to do this for us. And like I said, we wanted to be able to help everyone along the way because I do know sales are going to heal the world when it's done correctly, and I want to teach people how to do it right. And that's why our goal, to get 10,000 of the video trainings out there, because then it will make an impact where buyers will no longer accept the way that they have been getting sold to, and that's already starting to change. But I want to cement it across the world.

Amber [00:28:56]:
Well, I'm happy to help with that. That's great.

Joe Rockey [00:28:58]:
Thank you for that.

Amber [00:28:59]:
Thanks, Joe, for being here. Joe, is there anything else that people could apply to their lives today? So they click off this podcast and they're like, "I'm going to do this today," because I'm a take action type of girl and I have really no excuses, like, let's get stuff, let's move forward. Is there one little nugget that people could have applied today as they turn off this episode?

Joe Rockey [00:29:16]:
Absolutely. I'll give you guys the way to do this. And this is something we all can do right now. If you're driving, wait till you're home, but close your eyes and think about what it is that you have inside yourself that you know is positive. And by this, I don't mean resources. I mean things that you can do at any point with anyone. For some people, it's, "I could be a great listener." For some people, it's, "I can bring a lot of energy."

Joe Rockey [00:29:44]:
"I can be a quiet friend." "I can be counseling," whatever. Think of what those things are and just imagine them all kind of getting congealed into this big block of butter inside of your mind and allow that butter to start sizzling and melting itself down. And what I want you to think about are, what are the ones you enjoy doing the most? And what you will see is three to six of those attributes that you have inside yourself will become present and what your task is and what will make you a better person. To answer your question right now, and this will be true in sales, as a parent, as a spouse, and all of it, whatever those words are that are inside your mind's eye, lean into them as hard as you possibly can, and your life will vastly improve in a way that you would never expect.

Amber [00:30:29]:
Trust that, sometimes we play it down, some of those simple things that maybe we're good at, or we can bring to the table. Listen to that. I think you're so right. And give yourself some grace on that, because ultimately, that's like the way you can connect with people and bring that solution to the problem. And you can be that person for someone else.

Joe Rockey [00:30:46]:
That's exactly it. And they're all things that are free that you have within yourself. So no matter what kind of hole you're in or pinch, or whatever the case may be, you can lean on those core strengths. And again, if they're positive things that are already things you like doing. They will take you to any place in this planet as long as you're willing to trust yourself and to lean into them.

Amber [00:31:05]:
Love that. Okay, don't close your eyes while driving, but do this in a safe place. Thank you so much for being here, Joe.

Joe Rockey [00:31:13]:
Oh, yes, thank you for having me. I'm very glad to be here again. If anyone wants to check out the book, they certainly can do so at: You'll be able to not only see the copies of the book, but as well as the video trainings that we discussed earlier.

Amber [00:31:25]:
Awesome. Looking forward to it. All right.

Joe Rockey [00:31:27]:
Thank you for having me.

Amber [00:31:30]:
Thank you for joining us on today's episode of The Amber Stitt Show. For more information about the podcast, books, articles, and more, please visit me at: Until next week, enjoy your journey at home, and at work. Thank you for listening!