The Insurance Chatter with Reghan Brandt

Troy Korsgaden- highly sought-after insurance and financial services consultant.

June 17, 2022 Reghan Brandt | LRP, The Loss Run Pros | CPF, Columbia Pacific Finance | The Insurance Chatter Season 1 Episode 17

🌞We're back with another Chatter episode!

Today I'm sitting down with Troy Korsgaden—a highly sought-after insurance and financial services consultant. 🥇 Troy is a man who never stops innovating and learning. 🎙️ He's got a lot of energy, a ton of charisma, and a real gift for connecting with his audience and moving the insurance industry forward—🌟and now he's sharing his best tips with you!
Troy is known for being a man who can make a room full of people laugh. But he's also a man who can make that same room full of people think, and change their lives for the better. 📣 What sets Troy apart from other speakers is his ability to connect with his audience—😄you can tell he really cares about helping carriers and agency owners better communicate with consumers so that those consumers develop a higher appreciation for the value of insurance products.

In this special episode, Troy shares his "lightbulb moment"💡 that helped him triple his growth and overhaul his agency in less than 18 months!