Single Moms United

The Art of Being A Dad: Transforming from Father to Active Parent

June 09, 2023 Mzprez41 Season 3 Episode 16
The Art of Being A Dad: Transforming from Father to Active Parent
Single Moms United
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Single Moms United
The Art of Being A Dad: Transforming from Father to Active Parent
Jun 09, 2023 Season 3 Episode 16

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What makes a dad different from a father? How can single moms navigate the complexities of fatherhood and co-parenting? Join us in this special Father's Day episode as we dive into the distinctions between a father and a dad, and the importance of recognizing the roles they play in a child's life. From understanding the impact of generational curses to embracing the additional responsibilities single moms often take on when a father figure is absent, we shed light on the challenges and joys of parenting.

Listen in as we discuss the characteristics of a true dad – one who is present, involved, and emotionally supportive – and how a father can transform into a dad, even later in life. We also share our thoughts on wishing single moms a "Happy Father's Day" and encourage those who find themselves in this position to let their child's father be a part of their lives, if they genuinely want to. After all, it's not just about the title – it's about the love, care, and commitment that goes into raising a child. So let's celebrate and support each other on this journey, because we are all in this together!

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

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What makes a dad different from a father? How can single moms navigate the complexities of fatherhood and co-parenting? Join us in this special Father's Day episode as we dive into the distinctions between a father and a dad, and the importance of recognizing the roles they play in a child's life. From understanding the impact of generational curses to embracing the additional responsibilities single moms often take on when a father figure is absent, we shed light on the challenges and joys of parenting.

Listen in as we discuss the characteristics of a true dad – one who is present, involved, and emotionally supportive – and how a father can transform into a dad, even later in life. We also share our thoughts on wishing single moms a "Happy Father's Day" and encourage those who find themselves in this position to let their child's father be a part of their lives, if they genuinely want to. After all, it's not just about the title – it's about the love, care, and commitment that goes into raising a child. So let's celebrate and support each other on this journey, because we are all in this together!

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

Speaker 1:

Hey ladies, thank you for joining the Single Moms United podcast. If this is your first time listening, welcome If you're a repeat listener. Thank you for your loyalty. This podcast has been developed to motivate and encourage the single mom. It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it is designed to get you thinking about your approach to single motherhood, possibly giving you an aha moment.

Speaker 1:

Now, today is a special episode for Father's Day. In my opinion, we really should call it Dad's Day because it's showing appreciation to the dads that step up to the plate, just like you, single mom. So I say that because, again, anyone can be a father, meaning a male right, but it takes a lot to be a dad. I want to take. I want to talk about the title differences related to father versus dad. A father is a key contributor to bringing about life, meaning he is the other half of why the child is in existence. Generally, that is the extent of how he acquired the title of father. He was there for the moment that brought about conception. Just because he is a father doesn't mean he is a dad. A father must be taken to child support court. A father won't know their child's birthday or middle name in some instances. In other words, there is a distinct difference between father and dad. Fathers aren't generally active in their kids' lives, unfortunately. Now, to be fair and not solely beat up on fathers, it goes the same with mothers. Just because you have the title mother doesn't mean you make a good mom. A mom sacrifices to ensure her child has or her children has. A mother continues to work off her own agenda and the kids get the leftovers. For example, she ensures her hair and nails are done, but the child may be falling behind in school and requires tutoring. Well, those funds that she's spending on her hair and nails could go towards the child being successful in learning the requirements in school. Okay, okay, ladies, i know enough bashing. Let's get back on the topic highway. I know I got off the destination exit for the moment, so let's talk about dad characteristics.

Speaker 1:

Dads are present and involved in their children's lives. They know their birthday. They have even given the child a nickname. The child knows how to find their dad and vice versa. A dad freely supports the child not just financially but emotionally. A dad accepts responsibility without being told. A dad will verbally tell his child or children he loves them. A dad asks for forgiveness for any wrong he has done. Long story short, dads are proactively protectors and providers. No one has to tell or remind them of their responsibility. Now can a father turn into a dad? Absolutely. If he has breath in his body, he can mend his ways. It's never too late Now.

Speaker 1:

I've heard fathers asked for their children's forgiveness and try to be a part of their adult children's lives later. Yes, it is up to the adult child to make that decision. I personally believe if he makes the effort with the adult child, then they should allow him to. But that's just my opinion, while many adult children don't want to relinquish the hurt he left behind by not being in their lives during their early years. So it's fair that they don't want to immediately accept him, but I do think long term they should sleep on it and think about it and allow him into their lives. One thing they must keep in mind some of the fathers are also linked to generational curses that the children may not even be aware of Meaning. Their behavior is as a result of what they experience from their own father not being active in their lives. So adult children need to understand Some of the fathers' actions are not on purpose. Some of the behavior is not deliberate. They have to find forgiveness in their hearts and press forward Slightly.

Speaker 1:

Veering to the left here a little bit, i've been seeing where people have been saying hey, stop wishing single mothers happy Father's Day. Okay, well, you know I am not for or against the statement. And the reason why is when we consider the definition of what a father is supposed to do, he is supposed to be a provider and protector of his family, while the mom is a nurturer. Now, if he is absent, can you tell me who takes on the role of protector and provider? Think about that for a moment. You're right, it's the mom. She has to adopt this role, so she has to be the protector, the provider and the nurturer. So this is why some folks wish single moms happy Father's Day, because she is taking on all of the characteristics to raise the child And so, again, to be fair and given the responsibility that they're tasked with, i think it's fair to say happy Father's Day. I'm sorry that folks are offended by that, but if they really understood the characteristics that she's adopting, maybe they would be a little more receptive and not get upset that the single mama's being told happy Father's Day.

Speaker 1:

Finally, ladies, if your child's father wants to be a part of your child or your children's life, letting please let him. I encourage you to set aside your differences for the sake of the child. Again, i encourage you to set aside your differences with him for the sake of the child. You two have to co parent. Yeah, he may have messed up. Yeah, you may have caught him doing some things. Yes, yes, yes to everything that he got busted in. But if he wants to be a part of the child's life, let him. And if he's responsible, let him. Your son and daughter especially the son has to have a relationship with him if he wants one with them. So, ladies, again, this was a special edition of single moms United podcast, focusing on the differences between Father and Dad. I hope you found value in today's podcast and we'll share with another single mom. Remember we are in this together. No matter how you arrived at the title is what you do with it. Take care, look for new episodes next week.