Single Moms United

Celebrating Dads: The Power of Co-Parenting and Fatherly Love

June 12, 2023 Mzprez41 Season 3 Episode 17
Celebrating Dads: The Power of Co-Parenting and Fatherly Love
Single Moms United
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Single Moms United
Celebrating Dads: The Power of Co-Parenting and Fatherly Love
Jun 12, 2023 Season 3 Episode 17

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Can you imagine the impact a loving and supportive dad can have on a child's life? As Father's Day approaches, we dedicate this heartfelt episode of Single Moms United podcast to all the amazing dads out there, and discuss the crucial role they play in their children's lives. We explore the differences between a father and a dad, emphasizing the importance of having a dad who is committed to his child's well-being and the value of effective co-parenting, even when it's challenging to get along with the child's father.

Tune in as I share a special poem I've written for Father's Day, encouraging you to reflect on your relationship with your child's dad, and the significance of their role in your child's life. We'll also discuss the importance of sharing parental space, and the power of co-parenting by integrating ideas for your child's long-term success. You'll be inspired to let go of any lingering resentment and focus on the bigger picture - your child's happiness and growth. Let's celebrate the dads who give their all and strive to co-parent effectively with us, single moms!

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

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Can you imagine the impact a loving and supportive dad can have on a child's life? As Father's Day approaches, we dedicate this heartfelt episode of Single Moms United podcast to all the amazing dads out there, and discuss the crucial role they play in their children's lives. We explore the differences between a father and a dad, emphasizing the importance of having a dad who is committed to his child's well-being and the value of effective co-parenting, even when it's challenging to get along with the child's father.

Tune in as I share a special poem I've written for Father's Day, encouraging you to reflect on your relationship with your child's dad, and the significance of their role in your child's life. We'll also discuss the importance of sharing parental space, and the power of co-parenting by integrating ideas for your child's long-term success. You'll be inspired to let go of any lingering resentment and focus on the bigger picture - your child's happiness and growth. Let's celebrate the dads who give their all and strive to co-parent effectively with us, single moms!

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

Speaker 1:

Hey ladies, welcome to the single moms United podcast. I'm so glad you decided to drop by today because I know, i know, i know you could have listened to some other podcasts, but you decided to turn on single moms United and for that I am grateful. If this is your first time joining, welcome. And if you are a repeat listener, thank you, thank you, thank you for your loyalty. As I mentioned before, i do dabble in poetry. I find it exhilarating. It just relieves all kinds of tension and stress that I may be encountering because it's allowing me to introduce some creativity around my own skill set. Now, i'm not saying I'm Maya Angelou or anyone else out there that's famous with or famous poet. I just like enjoying this and I like encouraging the single mom. Now, with today's poem, it focuses on the dad. How about that, with Father's Day coming up right around the corner? Again, this is designed to encourage, motivate you and if you have a string relationship with the father of your child, hopefully after listening to this poem you'll rethink your relationship with them. It is still important for the father the dad to be included in your child's life. They're the ones that's going to help continue to form that mental setting that they have and need to be successful in this world. As a single mom, i know I thought I could do it all, but I couldn't. I still needed their father to be in their lives. Ladies, irregardless of what you have going on with the father and that you may not be getting along for whatever reason, and he wants to be a part of the child's life, let him. Let him. It's important for your child's development. Alright, i'm going to dial it back as I feel the blood boiling in my system and that's not fair to you. So let's talk about Father's Day. This poem, again, is dedicated to dads, to dads, and there is a distinct difference, and I did do an episode about this about a week or so ago. So if you want to know exactly what I'm talking about, go back and take a listen to the difference between a father and a dad. So here's kind of an abbreviated version that I put in a poem. So here we go.

Speaker 1:

Many think the title of father and dad are the same, but there is a clear difference in that claim. A father is someone who donated his time in the bed, versus dedicating his time to you and your child instead, while a dad never has to be asked. He already knows his task. He will proactively provide and generate support, so there won't be a need to take him to court. Sing a mom if your child's father is a dad, oh my goodness. Be glad. Rejoice in knowing you made the right choice.

Speaker 1:

Now it's easy to not get along, but when it comes to the kids, you know that it's wrong. Take this opportunity to make a man, because it's all about the child in the end. Sing a mom no, true dads are hard to come by, so make every attempt to try. You may think he doesn't have a clue, but neither did you. Please make sure you don't make your child sad. It's important for them to have a relationship with their dad. He may not be financially responsible, but him having a relationship with a child should be the goal. Please learn to share your parental space, even if you can't stand seeing his face. So what if he found someone else? Take this opportunity to improve yourself.

Speaker 1:

Co-parenting is a learned skill. When working together, just imagine what you can fulfill. Life is short. This is not the time to consider his role in your child's life as a last resort. Co-parenting requires both of you to generate and integrate ideas to ensure your child's long term success. Incorporating a healthy balance of parental ideas between mom and dad makes you wonder why it took so long to realize what you had. Stay strong, learn how to get along. Co-parenting has no training skills, so take it day by day. You will learn valuable lessons along the way. All right, ladies, there you have it. As Father's Day approaches, if he wants to be a part of your child's life, let him And as long as he isn't showing bad behavior in front of your child and you know what constitutes as bad behavior in single mom, and that goes for you as well let him have a relationship with the child. It's going to pay off long term because, remember, you have to release your child into the world. Some say at 18, some say 25, some say 30. But you got to release them into the world. They have to be able to function in society. It took two to make the child. It takes two to raise the child. Think about that.

Speaker 1:

All right, if you enjoyed today's podcast or episode, leave me some comments. I'd love to hear from you. I'd love to hear from you. You can go to singlemomsunitedpodcastcom. Go to my blog. Leave some notes there. You can go to my YouTube channel. Leave some notes there If you like the page. Like the page. I need to know if how I'm doing with my poems or my poetry. Do I still need to work on them or am I almost there? Am I 50% there, 60, 70? I just need to know. So I would love, love, love, love to get some feedback from you. Hope you have a great day, have a great week. See you next year.