Single Moms United

Explore and Empower: Leveraging Personality Types in Parenting and Personal growth

November 12, 2023 Mzprez41 Season 3 Episode 25
Explore and Empower: Leveraging Personality Types in Parenting and Personal growth
Single Moms United
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Single Moms United
Explore and Empower: Leveraging Personality Types in Parenting and Personal growth
Nov 12, 2023 Season 3 Episode 25

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Ever felt that understanding the introvert-extrovert spectrum could revolutionize your parenting approach? That's precisely what I'm discussing into in today's episode, I'm unraveling the fascinating world of personality types, exploring how these traits influence our behavior, decisions, and interactions with others.  This episode shares about leveraging your personality type to foster growth, learn new skills, and strike a balance between personal and professional life - particularly if you're a single mom. 

 As a single mom, you face unique challenges. I'm here to help with strategies and advice to stay motivated and achieve your goals. It's not just about understanding who you are, but also about harnessing the power of your personality and your children's to navigate life confidently. Tune in for an episode packed with life-changing wisdom!

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

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Ever felt that understanding the introvert-extrovert spectrum could revolutionize your parenting approach? That's precisely what I'm discussing into in today's episode, I'm unraveling the fascinating world of personality types, exploring how these traits influence our behavior, decisions, and interactions with others.  This episode shares about leveraging your personality type to foster growth, learn new skills, and strike a balance between personal and professional life - particularly if you're a single mom. 

 As a single mom, you face unique challenges. I'm here to help with strategies and advice to stay motivated and achieve your goals. It's not just about understanding who you are, but also about harnessing the power of your personality and your children's to navigate life confidently. Tune in for an episode packed with life-changing wisdom!

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

Speaker 1:

Hey ladies, welcome to the Single Moms United podcast, where we cannot spell United without the letter U or Y, o, u. Hey, if this is your first time visiting, thank you for joining. If you are a repeat listener, thank you for your loyalty. You already know my heart is just elated that you continue to come back and listen to every new episode and I appreciate that. For the folks far and near, thank you, super boost to my ego. I appreciate that. So, hey, let's get right down to what we want to talk about today Again.

Speaker 1:

I've been focusing on the letter E, as far as extracting words can apply to parenting skills, and I know I've talked in the past about education, and so today this really is more so for you, single Mom, if you're trying to develop a new skill and say you know what I want better for myself, I want better for my children. I just need to know more the reality. The more you know, the more you grow. We live in a world today where there are just so many opportunities to learn and you don't even have to leave your house to learn them. So I just want to spend a little time with you today to talk about do you understand your personality. I'm told that there are two personality types. One is an introvert and one is an extrovert, and I'm not sure if you've heard of these terms before. Along my career journey, we had to take personality type tests, which was cool. I didn't understand it at the time, but now it makes a lot of sense and I'm not sure how much you have heard about personality types, but this is an opportunity for you to see which one you closely aligned to. And so let's just start off with an extrovert.

Speaker 1:

What is an extrovert? Based on the definition in the dictionary, it says a person who was predominantly focused on external things or social interactions, rather than internal thoughts and feelings, often characterized as being outgoing or socially confident. Okay, so let me bring it down to eye level. What that means is you don't like to stay in the house, you like to interact with people, you enjoy going out, you love talking to people. That that's your thing, you know. And if you're not engaging with someone at some time, either through social media or just face to face, then you're not an extrovert. But again, an extrovert, in layman's terms, is just someone that enjoys going out. And my mom used to say don't meet a stranger, you're interacting with everybody and that's okay. That's what it means to be an extrovert. Now, an introvert is the exact opposite.

Speaker 1:

The dictionary defines introvert as a person who was predominantly focused on internal thoughts and feelings rather than on external things and social interaction. Now I really can speak to this because I'm an introvert. That means I'm uncomfortable in public settings. Yeah, I really am. And you say, really, you're doing this podcast and you sound all bubbly and cheerful. That's because I'm home alone and with a microphone in my hand. I'm an introvert. I prefer being home alone. I'm okay with not being out, I'm okay with being in my home. When COVID hit, I think I actually did a cheer and was like, yes, did the happy dance, I don't have to go into the office anymore. Woo, woo. This is it for me, because I'm an introvert. It's okay to be an extrovert. It's okay to be an introvert.

Speaker 1:

You just gotta understand who you are, the reason why you have to understand it's going to pivot you to the right area where you're trying to grow or go to expand your skill set or add a skill set. If you're an introvert, then you're really not wanting to expand your skill set or learn how to be a public speaker Make sense, right. You just don't want to be in the front of people, so it makes no sense, as an introvert, to pursue that. Now, as an introvert, maybe you want to learn more about computers. Maybe you want to learn more about Microsoft Office, like Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, which, by the way, is one of my favorite programs because it does all the calculations for you and all of that, and I put my budget in there and once I build my template, I'm good to go. Powerpoint you can create presentations and so forth.

Speaker 1:

These are things introverts like to do. We're left alone to work on things like that. We're an extrovert. You're like this is boring, this is boring. I need to be around people, I need to engage with people. You got to understand what your personality type is and then you can bring on some new skills, learn some new skill sets to put in your back pocket. And here's the better news. Here's the better news Now that you understand what your personality type is, you'll understand what your child's personality type is, and how will this help them get through school? Hmm, think about that.

Speaker 1:

Miss Jones keeps calling on little Bobby and little Bobby is like I don't know, miss Jones, I don't know, please don't call on me. Well, bobby's probably an introvert. He's uncomfortable being in that setting. He doesn't want to be called out like that and we have to understand that. So we have to work with little Bobby in these situations and maybe we talk to the teacher and come up with a plan on how to get Bobby more engaged, but differently. Think about that.

Speaker 1:

And then you have little Cindy Sue. You know she always got her hand up, I know. I know I have the answer to the question. Miss Jones, I have a here here. I am right here. See my hand. Well, cindy Sue, she's an extrovert, she's an extrovert. So now you got to figure out like, okay, babe, listen, let somebody else have a turn. But you have to understand these personality types. You have to for your sake, for your children's sake, as we continue to go through life. Some things are going to make sense as to why you're uncomfortable in certain situations. Right Again, ladies, take this time. Understand the difference between an introvert and an extrovert. This is not all inclusive, I'm just.

Speaker 1:

This podcast is designed to get you to think. It's designed to get you to go out and say is this applicable to me? And if it's applicable to me. Then how do I learn more? Right, because I'm not the end, all be all. I'm just here planting a seed to get you to think about these things and then pursue it. There's plenty of professionals out there that can definitely sum things up a lot better than I can. It's up to you to take that initiative, to learn, understand what it means to do these things. Long story short, get a second skill, third skill, under your belt, ladies, to be more marketable. If you have a job and you want to go to another level, build in that additional skill. Also, take this opportunity if you want to just get out the house and finally do something different and you don't want to work at fast food, you don't want to work at Walmart. Learn some basic things, because it's the basics that's going to get you to the next level.

Speaker 1:

I started at my job 34 years ago and I started doing data entry for four hours a day. I work my way all the way up to corporate. I've traveled all over this world. I've traveled all over this country, but keep in mind, I started as a data entry specialist. Then I said I want to learn more, and then I kept pressing forward to learn more. I started talking to people in different roles and positions. How did you get here? Tell me about it. But you have to be inquisitive. Once you identify your personality type, understand other personality types that may just be like you. If you're introvert, like me, what did you do to get to this next level? How did you go about it? What was your approach? If you're an extrovert, then you want to link up with an extrovert Right. Understand their skill sets, how they got where they are. So the formula is easy. The formula is easy Again, ladies, thank you for your time today.

Speaker 1:

I hope you found value in this episode. If you did, tell another single mom also visit my website. Single moms united podcastcom. Leave me some feedback. Let me know this was helpful. It wasn't helpful, or maybe you have other topics you would like for me to discuss. I would love, love, love to hear from you. Take care, ladies. Have a wonderful day. Talk to you soon.

Understanding Introverts and Extroverts
Value and Feedback for Single Moms