Single Moms United

Prayers and Conversations for the Spiritual Single Mother

February 29, 2024 Mzprez41 Season 3 Episode 4
Prayers and Conversations for the Spiritual Single Mother
Single Moms United
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Single Moms United
Prayers and Conversations for the Spiritual Single Mother
Feb 29, 2024 Season 3 Episode 4

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Navigating the rollercoaster of single motherhood requires more than just strength and perseverance; it often calls for spiritual fortitude to weather the storms. As I share in this heartfelt episode, my own faith has been the lighthouse guiding me through the darkest nights of financial worry and emotional solitude. My personal testament reveals how embracing a divine connection can nourish the soul and offer wisdom to prioritize our children's well-being. We address the delicate dance between dating and maintaining the emotional safety of our children, advocating for discretion and the importance of building a legacy that our little ones will be proud of.

This episode is a conversation about balance, solace, and transformation. It's for those who are steadfast in their beliefs, as well as for those curious about the role of spirituality in overcoming life's hurdles. I extend an open-hearted invitation to explore how faith can be a transformative force in the lives of single mothers. And, in a moment of solidarity and compassion, I offer up a prayer for single moms everywhere, asking for divine guidance and strength to be bestowed upon you and your children, no matter where you might be on your spiritual journey. Join us as we reach out with support and understanding, hoping to uplift and empower you through your unique challenges.

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

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Navigating the rollercoaster of single motherhood requires more than just strength and perseverance; it often calls for spiritual fortitude to weather the storms. As I share in this heartfelt episode, my own faith has been the lighthouse guiding me through the darkest nights of financial worry and emotional solitude. My personal testament reveals how embracing a divine connection can nourish the soul and offer wisdom to prioritize our children's well-being. We address the delicate dance between dating and maintaining the emotional safety of our children, advocating for discretion and the importance of building a legacy that our little ones will be proud of.

This episode is a conversation about balance, solace, and transformation. It's for those who are steadfast in their beliefs, as well as for those curious about the role of spirituality in overcoming life's hurdles. I extend an open-hearted invitation to explore how faith can be a transformative force in the lives of single mothers. And, in a moment of solidarity and compassion, I offer up a prayer for single moms everywhere, asking for divine guidance and strength to be bestowed upon you and your children, no matter where you might be on your spiritual journey. Join us as we reach out with support and understanding, hoping to uplift and empower you through your unique challenges.

It's not how you arrived at the title, but what you do with it.

Speaker 1:

Hey ladies, welcome to the Single Moms United podcast. Thank you so much for joining for another episode. I truly, truly appreciate it and if this is your first time joining, thank you Welcome. I hope something is said and you find value in this podcast or this episode, because it's all about encouraging the Single Mom through this journey of parenting. My goal is to provide you with some tips, information that I think will help you along the way through this journey. It's not gonna be easy and this is not a one size fits all. It's a one size fits most because everybody's environment is different, but hopefully you'll find something that you will find helpful. Now, today I'm doing something just a little different because I see and hear young Single Moms, the challenges that they're going through. So today I just wanna say a prayer for you, single Mom.

Speaker 1:

Along my journey of raising my kids, I truly believe it was my relationship with God that got me through a lot. Those lonely days, those days of going out and hustling and trying to put two pennies together, only for it to still be zero. What kind of math is that right? I had to pray to God. Just Lord, you know my situation and I need your help. Now I don't have the money for this or that and they gotta eat. I need gas in my car. I just wanna say a prayer for you, because prayer works and if you're not a Christian I'm almost tempted to say I'm sorry, but hopefully you don't find this offensive. But here's the reality. Here is the reality. Knowing God for myself is what got me through my journey as a Single Mom period. Some of the things that happened in my life I knew it was God, it had nothing to do with me.

Speaker 1:

And unfortunately I do see a lot of Single Mom still looking to different men to have a relationship, thinking that's gonna close that gap or fill that void. And I'm here to tell you sing a mom, nah, it won't. You, you can date as many men as you want to. Your child should come first now and then you should reach out to God to help you, be that good example to your child to get them through life. Now I don't say don't date. I would recommend, if you do date, don't bring them around the children. Don't bring them around the child. They're just dating private. That that's how I did it. I dated in private. I never brought anyone around my children because I don't know you like that and so they didn't private.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, I'm gonna say a prayer for you sing a mom, and if you're a Christian, hopefully you'll appreciate it and it'll strengthen your faith. If you're not a Christian, or you you're not aligned to any religion, hopefully you'll say you know what I want to know more about this God you're talking about, and visit some of your local churches there and Join and and and fellowship with them, and then again, except Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, because I tell you, ladies, he got me through a lot. He got me through a lot and I know it was nobody but him. So here we go, heavenly Father, thank you for this day and again, before we ask you for anything, we want to thank you for everything.

Speaker 1:

Now, god, I'm asking a special prayer for all the single moms trying to Be the best mom that they know how to be.

Speaker 1:

God, I pray that you'll feel that void of loneliness that they may experience While they're trying to be a single mom.

Speaker 1:

I pray that you'll grant them Financial reassurance on those days where they can't find those funds that that they need.

Speaker 1:

But, god, just let them know that you are a comforter and that they turn to you and seek you, seek your face and and lean not to their own understanding, but acknowledge you as their strength, as their guidance and Knowing that they will get through this and then also give them the strength to be that mom among their child and their children and be positive role models, and that knowing that they're gonna release their child to the world one day and that they not only do they know you, but they set it up so well that their children know you as well. So, god, I asked right now, in the name of Jesus, you bless every single mom across the United States, across North America and around this world. Touch their hearts, touch their minds, grant them peace, god, when they feel like they don't have peace and don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring, I just ask that you just bless them right now. Give them that reassurance and the precious name of Jesus, amen.