Celebration Church Podcast
Welcome to the Celebration Church Podcast. The podcast will have the weekly sermons from our Pastors! To learn more visit us at CelebrationEdmonton.com. At Celebration Church, you can come as you are. We are not here to judge you or your past; we’re here to share the biblical truth of Jesus Christ with you and how this message changes everything.
Celebration Church Podcast
Faith-Filled Family | Part 1: The Foundation of the Family | Joel Varty
Celebration Church
Family is God’s idea, and from the very beginning, He has worked through families to accomplish His purposes. In our new series, "Faith-Filled Family," we’ll explore how marriage is the foundation of a strong, God-honoring home and a reflection of Christ’s love for His Church. Whether you're married, single, or in a challenging season, this series will encourage you to build relationships that honour God and stand firm in His design!