From The Backcountry

#11 - Philip Carcia | Part 1 - Single Season White Mountains Guide Pre-Hike Conversation

Will Peterson Season 1 Episode 11

Philip Carcia is a distance athlete, hiker, backpacker, content creator, and lover of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. On June 21st, Philip will embark on his third attempt at a single calendar season hike of the White Mountains Guide, a brutal hiking feat that has never been accomplished. Philip completed the White Mountains Guide on his first two attempts in 2020 and 2021, missing the single season mark by just a few days each time, and crushing the previous speed record in the process. Listen along as we dig deep into his motivation for attempting this brutal hike for a third time, dissect how his relationship with this route and with himself as an athlete has changed over time, and much much more.

Find Philip (haha) on Instagram and TikTok @findingphilip. There are links in his social media accounts to his GoFundMe page where you can support his project! Stay updated with the podcast on Instagram @fromthebackcountry

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