Unicorn Leaders

Ep. 2 - Why Your Leadership Won't be Effective Without Psychological Safety with Craig Handy (Team Lead at Shopify, Founder of Jameson Strategies Consulting)

Unicorn Labs - Fahd Alhattab Season 1 Episode 2

When you’re busy fighting for survival is there any room for growth?

‍When any failure means disaster, the stakes are too high for you to take risks — this means you’ll always choose the safe route.‍

Craig Handy leads a Global Revenue Operations team at Shopify, a fast growing startup, and he is also the founder of Jameson Strategies, his own RevOps consulting firm. He’s most passionate about how we can use psychology and human performance to dig deep and create team environments where high performers can thrive.

On episode #2, Craig shares why, as a manager, it’s so important to create an environment where there’s psychological safety and strategies to help you create this beneficial environment in your workplace.

We’ll also dive into the connection between psychological safety and trust and how it’s actually beneficial for different kinds of people to have different leadership styles instead of forcing people to fit in this one-size-fits-all leadership mold.

Tune in to hear all about how Craig’s leadership experiences and advice can help you improve your leadership style!