The Reluctant Leader Podcast with Paul Jenkins

TRLP 002 - Alan DiDio talks about Overcoming Fear, Being Faithful with What’s in Front of You, and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

March 22, 2022 Paul Jenkins Season 1 Episode 2

Pastor Alan DiDio leads a small church in a small place that’s making a huge impact all around the world.

When the Holy Spirit asked Pastor Alan to think through how church might change if it was only available online, it was months before the work had even heard of COVID. As he and his church leaned into that question, they began to intentionally engage the people who attended their services through a screen, and by the time the world was shutting down, their YouTube channel was blowing up.

Fast forward to today, and the growth is staggering. Their YouTube channel now has almost 200,000 subscribers, he regularly interviews key kingdom leaders like Mario Murillo, Lou Engle, Jeremiah Johnson, and Emma Stark, and his second book is set to be released in the summer of 2022.

The key? Stop chasing the results of faithfulness, and simply start being faithful. As Pastor Alan shares, it was faithfulness in prayer that prepared him to tackle the fear and discomfort that he knew he’d encounter the minute he said yes to what God was asking him to do.

Links to stay in touch with Pastor Alan:

Learn more about his church and ministry at
Subscribe to Encounter Today on YouTube
Purchase a copy of Pastor Alan's book, Encounter, on Amazon.

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