Women Beyond Faith

Meet Catherine --

Leah Janet Season 2 Episode 19

Meet Catherine –

Catherine lives in SE England in a little town outside of Brighton. Catherine, born a bit of a free spirit, always had questions related to life and her place in it.  She ran away from home at 17 and was immediately shunned by everyone within her Jehovah Witness community. In her mid-twenties Catherine found herself in an abusive relationship,  hit a depressive stage and returned home repentant to her family and former JW Community. She was allowed back in to the fold and stayed in for another 10 years. During that decade, Catherine married and had 2 children.  Her youngest child, at two years of age, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. JWs don’t believe in accepting blood transfusions. Catherine, removed from her JW circles as she spent 5-6 years in and out of hospitals, became conflicted and began to question the indoctrination she had received since she was a child. 

Today Catherine is out and proud! 

Join us for what is a fabulous heartfelt conversation between two mamas maneuvering the waters this side of faith. 

You can find Catherine at Support for ex JW Women on FB or on Instagram @supportforexjwwomen.

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