Women Beyond Faith

In the time of Pandemic — Voices from Cincinnati June 2020

Leah Janet Season 3 Episode 8

Here's an opportunity to meet a few of the phenomenal women in my local circle; Kellie, Jillian & Dara. They briefly talk life under quarantine. 

Prompts were provided to get the conversation started -- if they so chose. 

We've attempted to keep it apolitical (for the most part). No bashing. No shaming. And do our best to rise above all of that negativity and offer some positive energy to the world. 

Basically - we wanted to know how women are surviving the pandemic this side of faith?

If you, too, would like to participate here's the How To:

1. Utilize a voice recorder. Apple has Voice Memo. You can use Zoom or any other recorder.

2. Check the quality. Adjust as needed. You may have to change rooms or lock yourself in the closet or something creative like that. If you have a microphone, please use it.

3. Email me the finished product womenbeyondfaith@gmail.com

4. My producer will get them edited and then we'll put them out there to share with the world. The idea is we'll put a few clips together for each episode. 

5. Let me know if you have any questions, ideas or better questions to add to the list.

Here's what I've got (but feel free to ad lib) & no need to answer all of them. Please pick and choose.

1. Brief Intro: Name (or pseudonym), where you live in this great big world, and the basics of your faith deconstruction story. 

2. What are you grateful for today?

3. Who are you checking in on or connecting with today?

4. What are you struggling with most during the pandemic? 

5. What are you doing for your mental health today?

6. How are you getting outside today?

7. How are you moving your body today?

8. How are you managing the household today? Kiddos, partners, work, online schooling (kids or you)?

9. What beauty are you creating, cultivating or inviting in today?

10. How has leaving faith challenged and/or made easier living out this new day to day reality?

#femalevoices #findingfreedom #onestoryatatime #lovewillholdustogether #womenbeyondfaith

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