Women Beyond Faith

Meet Bethany Part 1 —

Leah Janet Season 3 Episode 9

Former conservative homeschooled good girl turns into outspoken liberal feminist.

Bethany, 26 years old, is a married mom of two young boys. Currently enrolled in college with a 4.0 GPA, Bethany also loves painting, yoga, music, movies and reading. 

After rejecting the faith she was raised in, she's now embracing the beauty within. Bethany has found a peace filled freedom this side of faith.

We talk Purity Culture, homeschooling, failing to fit in to the christian cultural norms, giving up on dreams, amazing homeschool mamas and more.

Enjoy the conversation.
#braveassbeauty #womenspeakup #wewillnotbesilent #femalevoices #findingfreedom #onestoryatatime #motheranddaughter #outspokenandopinionated

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