Women Beyond Faith

Meet Andrea B. Part 1 --

Leah Janet Season 5 Episode 1

Born the 4th of 5 children to strict young earth creationist parents in the Midwest, Andrea B. was at church every Sunday. At the age of 9, she began attending summer camp at Kanakuk (think “Jesus Camp” Documentary) in Branson, Missouri. 

Attempting to grow in faith, confidence, and christian character Andrea buckled down intensifying her commitment to the faith.  

Sold out for Jesus, she was rebaptized. Attending purity retreats, See You at the Pole events and before school prayer study groups became the standard. She even purchased an ichthys bumper sticker for a high school boyfriend.

However, while still in high school Andrea took a world religions and philosophy course which revived her natural curiosity. Slowly, she began to break away intellectually from fundamentalism.


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