Leading for Good
Welcome to the Leading for Good Podcast series with Elaine Herdman-Barker, Chair & Partner for Mutual Growth...and the search for the common good at Global Leadership Associates. Join us as we gather with people who are transforming leadership. The series aims to stretch how we think about “a leader's footprint.” We’ll ask, can leaders tip the world towards the good and contribute in ways that both feel good and are profitable? With strategic thinkers from organisations worldwide, we’ll investigate what Leading for Good means.
Leading for Good
2. Andy Samuel, CEO of the North Sea Transition Authority discusses what is required of leaders if they are to face their social, economic and planetary responsibilities
Sarah Audsley
Season 1
Episode 2
Can leaders plan for a future in which the true wealth of energy is shared? Do they have the skills and support needed to take hold of a complex situation, keep the lights on and transition towards net zero?
Elaine Herdman-Barker, Chair of Global Leadership Associates and Partner for Mutual Growth and the search for the Common Good and Andy Samuel, CEO of the North Sea Transition Authority discuss what is required of leaders if they are to face their social, economic and planetary responsibilities.
Read our accompanying article to this episode here.