Leading for Good
Welcome to the Leading for Good Podcast series with Elaine Herdman-Barker, Chair & Partner for Mutual Growth...and the search for the common good at Global Leadership Associates. Join us as we gather with people who are transforming leadership. The series aims to stretch how we think about “a leader's footprint.” We’ll ask, can leaders tip the world towards the good and contribute in ways that both feel good and are profitable? With strategic thinkers from organisations worldwide, we’ll investigate what Leading for Good means.
Leading for Good
3. Andrew Wallis, Founder and CEO of Unseen, talks about how to disrupt a system of human exploitation, the scale of which the world has not seen before
December 14, 2022
Sarah Audsley
Season 1
Episode 3
“Breaking up baked-in systems”; Andrew Wallis, Founder and CEO of Unseen, an organisation working towards the eradication of modern slavery, talks to Elaine Herdman-Barker, Chair of Global Leadership Associates and Partner for Mutual Growth and the search for the Common Good about how to disrupt a system of human exploitation, the scale of which the world has not seen before. With minimum estimates of 50 million held in slavery, it took a long time for things to get this far. How can it be brought to a stop? What can leaders, from all walks of life do, to alter the progress of any system, well fixed in commercial gain?
Read our accompanying article to the episode here.