Leading for Good
Welcome to the Leading for Good Podcast series with Elaine Herdman-Barker, Chair & Partner for Mutual Growth...and the search for the common good at Global Leadership Associates. Join us as we gather with people who are transforming leadership. The series aims to stretch how we think about “a leader's footprint.” We’ll ask, can leaders tip the world towards the good and contribute in ways that both feel good and are profitable? With strategic thinkers from organisations worldwide, we’ll investigate what Leading for Good means.
Leading for Good
4. James Cameron CBE, VP of Global Leadership and Learning in Walmart reflects on what ‘leading into your best’ really means
March 01, 2023
Season 1
Episode 4
James Cameron CBE, Vice President of Global Leadership and Learning in Walmart talks to Elaine Herdman-Barker, Chair of Global Leadership Associates and Partner for Mutual Growth and the search for the Common Good to reflect on what ‘leading into your best’ really means. In an immense organisation, like Walmart, leaders have the opportunity to better the environment and shift global thinking, on sustainable ways of living. At the same time, they need to deliver as retailers. How do they find themselves in such a large system? Is it possible to harmonise a no-nonsense business approach with a more holistic regenerative vision?
Read our accompanying article to the episode here.